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Rape Fatigue

A condition brought about by the intake of too much false and harmful information from troglodytes surrounding the most basic understanding of rape. The condition was first documented in the United States, just days after Todd Akin, a republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives, made this comment: "If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. But let’s assume that maybe that didn’t work or something. I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be on the rapist and not attacking the child."

Symptoms of rape fatigue include extreme nausea, dizziness, and the urge to place Akin in a locked room with Eve Ensler. Rape Fatigue is not relieved by bed rest, but rather by rising up, voting democratic, and shouting the words, "Todd Akin is an ignorant, misogynistic asshat!"

Hey, did you see that moron on CNN last night trying to defend Todd Akin's statement about rape?

Shut the hell up, man! I've got fucking rape fatigue! I can't listen to any more rape-related bullshit from repubigots. Todd Akin is an ignorant, misogynistic asshat!

by Corktease August 23, 2012

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Mental Rape

The act of mental manipulation on a person/people to persuade them to do something they would not normally do on a daily basis; it requires no physical contact.

Churches mentally rape people every Sunday to receive money.

Tithes is a form of mental rape.

by Ruff Diamond78 December 22, 2019

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dome raped

being shot multiple times in the head, especially in the back of the head while being blindsided.
used especially in reference to paintball when you are shot multiple time in the back of the head, often by a triggerhappy teammate

i was fucking pwning when i got dome raped by some shit behind me.

by Paint -BALLER!- May 4, 2009

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steak raped

to take a girl out for a pricey dinner, pay for the whole thing, and then not only not get any nookie that night, but she doesnt respond to any of your texts or answer your phone calls

Me: Hey, dude, I took this chick out to Flemming's for a nice dinner that cost me over $100, and i didnt get any nookie at the end of the night.

Ryan: Dude that sucks

Me: Tell me about it! And since then she hasn't returned any of my texts or phone calls!

Ryan: Man, you got steak raped!

by marksu2 February 8, 2010

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landscape rape

Stalking human on human perpetration that manifests in brutal theft of newly planted shrubs, pernennials, or potted annuals. Plant owner is left with a hollow empty feeling of loss, regret, and guilt. Was my landscaping really so tempting? Should I have dialed it back a bit? Less blossoms?

When you come home from work and you are like where the hell are my plants? The real thing America. First world problem. This is landscape rape.

by Gwenner June 20, 2015

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the rape over

Term recently coined by Mos Def, now used freqently to describe the degeneration of hip-hop from an art form and expressive outlet to glorified criminalistic behavior and corporate domination of a once-underground phenomenon, i.e. De La Soul or KRS-One, who rap about every day events and important issues vs. 50 Cent or Juvenile (By-products of The Rape Over), who rap about murder, theft and what they buy with their millions of dollars (For example, 50 Cent's newest album is titled <i>The Massacre</i>).

"We over-do it add the fire and explosion to it/We're so confused so we run rap music

MTV is runnin this rap shit/Viacom is runnin this rap shit/AOL and Time Warner runnin this rap shit/We poke out the ashes for a chance to cash in
Cocaine, is runnin this rap shit/Hennessey, is runnin this rap shit..." -Mos Def, "The Rape Over"

by The Boston Rag February 28, 2005

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Twitter Rape

When so many twitter posts are being sent to your phone that it renders the phone unusable.

I would have called you but my phone is being twitter raped.

by ][oo March 26, 2009

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