Source Code

Beaver Spotting

The act of making an excuse to leave company to go throw up, usually after consuming copious amounts of alcohol.

This can also be used as a code as to what colour the vomit produced was.

“Where did Maik go?” “He went Beaver Spotting about 10 minutes ago, I think he found a green one

by Little_Digital September 19, 2021

3g Spot

A part of your house, car, office, etc at which you get perfect reception on your cell phone.

My phone's 3g spot is right here

I only get texts when my phone's on its 3g spot.

by spotman May 26, 2010

Shit spot

A mole or black pimple; beauty spot

You: She's got a giant mole on her face

Friend: dude it's a damn shit spot

by skids-n-shids June 16, 2018

Brew Spots

The small, brown patches achieved when making tea that appear on the surface of your drink. Infamously caused by over-brewing tea (2 minutes +)

I asked for a MIFT not a brew spots pot. Go back to London tough guy

by Nickeatworld April 14, 2010

Spot Conlon

A hottie played by Gabriel Damon

"Spot Conlon is hot"

by VinnieDelpinosWife January 31, 2022

spot of shame

when some trackie clad youth goes for a piss and doesn't shake the drips off their ol' boy properly and a ring of piss appears in the crotch area of their trackies.

"he must have just had a piss, look at that Spot Of Shame"

by mr pimpernell September 25, 2014


When a Googan or other unsavory “fishing” character trashes a local spot. By either unethical treatment of the Fish or land or waterways leading to the spot. Spot burners include but are not limited to Poachers, YouTubers, report chasers and litter bugs.
These people lack common sense and are the most entitled persons on the planet. They only fish to abuse animals and the environment for internet points.
After these people come through the spot is now burnt

Hey look at Johnny Bucktail is over there beating up the schoolies. I can see he is also live streaming for all his followers and giving them GPS coordinates and obvious landmarks. All Johnny Does is Spot-burn. He only cares about himself.

by FishGutzTacoCat April 20, 2022