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Elephant Jake

Elephant Jake is a band that has 300+ subs on YouTube!

Hey everybody it’s Elephant Jake Here.

by Elephant Jake February 15, 2020

Misery Elephant

a person who carries around all the negative things that have ever happened to them in their lifetime, and are constantly reminding everyone of them, thriving on the negative

She thrives on the negative, she is such a misery elephant!

by Lopp-Headz January 23, 2012

Elephant Craft

Better than Dr.Empty but not as graceful or charming as Pro Panda.

Elephant Craft is such a gamer, but not as cool as Pro.

by Elephant craft March 25, 2022

Elephant wiener

A (slang) term used to describe a person with a penis the size of a horse (horse cock)

I can’t compete with him he has an absolute elephant Wiener

by Chickmagnet112 August 23, 2021

Elephant snarfing

Elephant snarfing is a type of ass play where one person puts peanuts in the other persons ass.
Also known as “feed the circus elephant”.
An elephant snarf has a fetish for having food products esp. peanuts shoved up their ass.

“I used to like ass fisting or gloving, but now I am a convert to elephant snarfing”.
“Pass the peanuts! Yum”

by Nerdboy1982! August 6, 2019

Hairy Elephant

When a man has a large amount of hair growing on the shaft of their penis.

I could tell he had a hairy elephant because the inner walls of my vagina were all scratched up.

by Fantasy Penguin May 12, 2014

Elephant Skin

Having elephant skin means you don’t care what other people think of you.

Beverly isn’t a snowflake, she doesn’t care what anyone else thinks of her. She’s got elephant skin.

by Troll face McGee December 16, 2019