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macking someone down

To intimately kiss someone (with or with out consent) to the point where your both out of breath everything around you fades away

Macking someone down
Macked =past

I macked my dad down because he looked like a whole snack.
Macking = pesent
O fuck he’s macking me down
Mack =future
Dont make me mack you down

by Ricardo is god February 23, 2019

trill on my mack

1. An act of cutting a person some slack or giving them a break.
2. Chill the fuck out!

Dawg I'm tired, trill on my mack with em chores bro...

by Breakfast Club MMXVIII October 29, 2018

mack n jizz

mack n jizz

mack n jizz

by sexyeshay69420 January 20, 2022

Mack truck lobotomy

like a regular lobotomy, but performed with a Mack truck instead of surgical tools ensuring a quick and successful operation

I think it's time for me to go get a Mack truck lobotomy

by Markimedes September 30, 2023

jimmy-up the mack

A Vandergrift Casino Theatre prank used to make freshman stage crew people go insane trying to find out how to "jimmy-up the mack". Bottom line: the "mack" that needs to be "jimmied-up" does not exist!

Cast member: "Go jimmy-up the mack, Bob"
Bob (first year stage crew): What the heck is a jimmy-up the mack!

Cast member: Just go do it!

Bob: What is it!

Cast member: The show will be ruined if you don't jimmy-up that mack! Now go!

Bob: but!....but!

Cast member: GO!

by Rekced Yrrek December 2, 2006

straight gangsta-mack

Being at peak quality or climax of excellence and greatness.

I'm straight gangsta-mack at this shidazzle!

That feller and his chums are straight gangsta-mack!

That's not very straight gangsta-mack of you.

by Mista Chopstix (Glyphic) April 9, 2022

mack n smack

the tween version of fuck and chuck. some may literally bang someone and leave them hanging, while teenagers choose the route with their mouthes.

mack n smack refers to the action of making out with someone, and then ignoring them completely, blocking them from your life.

Mike: Yo, have you talked to Sally lately?
Bill: Naw man, I totally mack n smacked that bitch.
Mike: Good for you bro, she looks like a mack n smack.

by danakkkkkkkkkkk69 February 6, 2011

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