when a man with an erect penis rubbs it on your back unexpectedly
I just got dick backed on the jetski
see that guy dick backing her ? that is so creepy
Something big and hairy
I pulled a right old slag last night, she had a big hairy fanny like an axe wound in Chewbacca’s back
Diarrhea butt stuff. When the fecal matter is runny and is in enough liquid to give it the color of iced tea.
Man, I was doing anal with my girlfriend, and I look down, and there's runny shit all over my dick... I mean I still finished and stuff. Turns out I'm into iced tea on the back porch.
January 11 is the national give your friend's money back day, where people worldwide return the money they owe back to their friend!
You: Hey Ryan, Happy January 11!
Ryan: What's January 11th?
You: It's National give your friend's money back day.
Ryan: Cool man, here's your money back!
When you throw a pie-tin full of whipped cream at someone’s back and it sticks to their back like a turtle shell.
“Wow, Elijah just got done turtle-backing Jeremy!”
A level of life or something that is so low it would be better to be a slave in auschwitz!
A welcome is something you'll never need from anybody when you're home, in your own neighborhood, especially not from someone that isn't even from your neighborhood.
The outsiders were always the first ones to try to welcome back the guy to his own home and neighborhood for some reason. The people that were also from the neighborhood originally weren't overly curious or interested in what the guy was doing, they also weren't the ones always trying to change the neighborhood, that was mostly outsiders or newcomers doing that. Most people originally from there liked things the way they always had been, without needing them to change.