When a homosexual man attempts to turn his unsuspecting bros while camping in the mountains
I didnt realize one of my bros was gay until we went camping and he got all bro-back mountain on my ass.
It's just a prank, bro, so get a sense of humour you fucking snowflake!
The card you pull on a friend to get what you want. It cannot be turned down without making the "bro" out to be a bad friend. Usually stated..."If you were my bro..." with no need to finish the sentence. * The Bro Card may never be pulled on a bro card itself.
1- C'mon man hand me a card under the table.
2- No Dude! I dont cheat!
1- If you were my bro.... (The Bro Card)
2- Ughhhh!! Alright! Here!
1- Thanks BRO!
*1- If you were my bro you would eat a booger."
2- If YOU were MY bro you wouldnt ask me to.
when your a 6th grader and you watch speed too much.
Bro stop saying "are you serious rn bro"
One who wears a Hawaiian shirt and tactical gear
“I see you are a boogaloo bro now.”
When you meet someone and you want to greet them properly
Random guy: “do do dooooo” You: Sup bro
A bro who has gone to the dark side. This bro is obsessed with star wars so much that the syth has taken over him mentally.
bro #1: dude, did you see that bro-syth at the convention?
bro #2: yeah man, his bro-ness demolished the brodi clean out of the building.