The full name of lafayette
That French general dude from Hamilton
Person 1: yo, who’s that French dude from Hamilton with the really long name?
Person 2: oh! You mean Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette? I love that guy!
Aka M. j. P. Y. R. G. D. M., M. D. Laf
a short term of if youre playing cs go atm, or for whole day
+yo dude whatcha doin?
-Csgoin/g dude
+whole day?
-whole day
A white man who thinks he owns people( especially blacks)
Tit to Gut Ratio: The number of inches between a woman's breast to her gut.
1 = 1 inch, this can go positive and negative.
Example 1:
A young woman with a flat stomach and breasts that stick out 2 inches past that.
She would have a T to G Ratio of 2.
Example 2:
A mature woman with a couple extra inches around the waist but massive honkers that stick out 5 inches past her gut.
She would have a positive T to G ratio of 5
Example 3:
A woman with very small breasts and her gut sticks out 3 inches past them.
She would have a T to G of negative 3.
Convo 1
Steve: "Hey what do you think about her?"
Jacob: "Nah man, she got a negative T to G"
Steve: "What?"
Jacob: "Her gut sticks out more than her tits, that's a bad T to G Ratio.
Convo 2
Steve: "Yo check out this T to G"
Jacob: "Damn that's like 4 inches, she's gotta have double D's"
Convo 3
Steve: "How was your date"
Jacob: "she was nice but idk, her T to G was like point 5 to 1. What's that gonna look like after 50?"
Milly is usually ugly and lives in a white cottage on a corner. Her mum is usually very fit and likes to take part in naughty videos. She has a big ass and is okay in bed but cannot hold down a relationship. They are normally attracted to people called tom and usually get whipped over them. They try there best to get toms back as certain ones are famous. Overall millys mum is fit.
G style is a company that loves women more than men they also love to pamper helpless retarded non driving fucks in the transportation industry, they also think that women are the key to oilfield success!
Odie applies at “G style” odie is quickly excepted into woman’s oilfield hall of fame!
Odie destroys everything she touches and G style is forced out of business!
Way to go odie!