when a guy puts a handwarmer between his sack and penis and innocently hands it off to a girl who is cold.
Haha I totally got Stephenie with the heat hand-off!
While fisting a girl you are not married to, you drop a live grenade in her and run into the arms of Jesus Christ.
I gave Veronica the Holy Hand Grenade last night, it was a blast!
The act of Fisting your partner but with your fingers and thumb fully extended, Then yelling Ooorahh!
My husband knife handed me lastnight like a pissed off NCO.
Neither of your two options are good. But one is just plain out shitty.
Jimmy: Unemployed David has a job offer for only $5hr.
Billy: Well he’s got nothing in one hand and shit in the other.
I got handed a board
I was about to text, but I got handed a board
Double underleg maturbation. To put ones arms under ones legs, grapple the rod and tug one out ferociously
My nobs throbbin, I'm going home for a double handed russian.