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Crayon in the back pocket

Someone who has a very tight tight relationship with children.

George O'Donnell is a "crayon in the back pocket" kind of guy. A super-hero of sorts.

by t3chth1rt33n June 13, 2019


Or "backsauce"
A lazy version of the word "backsass", and a variation of the word "back talk".

Literally means, talking back or responding to someone (mainly an authoritative figure) in an opposing and sometimes smart aleck-y manner.

You're wrong in what you said in this situation.

Boy, don't you back-sauce me!

by jontaylors#1fan! February 5, 2019

Back Sauce

The sauce that comes from out of one's back. Typically from a pimple, cyst or magical portal, back sauce is potent, thick, creamy and extremely rare in small communities. It is more common in metropolitan areas. People with back sauce build-up are, on average, stupid and have hair on their heads. They are hard to spot. Beware of the "back saucers". They are aggressive and very agitated due to the back sauce build-up. Avoid eye contact and any form of communication with a back saucer.

Ariana Grande: "Man, I have a serious build-up of back sauce, Tony. I think I'm gonna have to go to the spa and get a massage so they can squeeze some of that creamy juice out."

Tony the Tiger: "Bitch, I have no idea what you're talking about. That shit sounds disgusting."

by Sauce Specialist WD-40 November 1, 2019

blow his back out

When a gay guy fucks another guy too hard and he can’t walk for a few days

Guy 1: dude I’m gonna blow his back out

Guy 2: no way man

by Cranberry69 February 11, 2024

To the end of the Multiverse and back

Going beyond just the universe to profess whatever it is you want to convey to someone

I love you to the end of the multiverse and back. Or I hate you to end of the multiverse and back. Your choice

by Catirandafly November 7, 2016

Throwing the catfish back

When you invent a whole alter ego to pretend to become romantically involved with so that an an ex or a stalker or anyone who is being generally pushy and invasive in your life will waste time investigating a non-existent person and leave you alone for a while.

I'm throwing the catfish back and inventing a fake new love interest to get my ex off my back and spin his wheels for once for a while.

by Anusian_fartre January 9, 2022

brb right back

Brb right back - Regan 2020

Brb right back - Regan 2020

by subal00 December 1, 2020