Get me the nut juice out of the fridge please. Almond or cashew?
noun A fine beverage sourced right from within the penis. Characterised by its creamy appearance and consistency, it contains subtle hints of vanilla and notes of sperm. It has a frothy texture and is white in colour. It’s a nice refreshment that pairs well with eating ass.
“She drank up that jizz juice when’s she was giving me that samsung spin cycle sloppy toppy”
Another word for the COVID vaccine
Why does this young man have heart problems?
He must’ve received The juice.
The ability to talk and flirt with females with ease.
“Sheesh, V you got the juice huh”
a synonym for ‘lean’ or ‘purple drank’, a recreational mixture of codeine, a soft drink - commonly Sprite, sweets and crushed ice. The colour of the drink usually varies along a spectrum between red and purple.
Don Toliver: “Off the juice, codeine got me trippin”
Gunna: “I won’t ever love a bitch more than my mother”
Friend 1: “I just spoke to Ken, he seemed kinda slumped?”
Friend 2: “He’s off the juice bro”
A phrase created by @theeweeklytrash.
Synonymous to: the tea, the deets
Omg what’s the juice with Maicyyy?
1. Slang term for the vagina. 2. A jerk.
"All we did today in health class was talk about juice pockets."
"Dude, he ate the last cookie? What a juice pocket."