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good morning and god bless

The act of eating breakfast and drinking coffee while take a shit.

Hila: Eathan I need the bathroom, what are you doing?
Ethan: good morning and god bless Hila

by Chows29 April 7, 2018

Good morning and God bless

A "good morning and God bless" is the act of eating breakfast and drinking coffee while taking a shit in a bathroom.

"Do you want anything for breakfast?"
"No I already did a good morning and God bless."
"If you'll excuse me I'm gonna go take a good morning and God bless."

by gaycumguzzler69 April 30, 2018

Good Morning and God Bless

When you shit, drink coffee, and eat breakfast on the toilet.

Wife: Honey, I need the bathroom! What are you doing?
Husband: Good Morning and God Bless, darling!

by Tainthair April 7, 2018

Good morning and God bless

Good morning and God bless - The act of eating breakfast and drinking coffee on the toilet whilst passing excrement in the morning

First used by Ethan Klein from h3h3Productions
(April 6th, 2018)

Ethan had a 🌞Good morning🌞 and 🙏god bless🙏mood
Good morning and God bless - The act of eating breakfast and drinking coffee on the toilet whilst passing excrement in the morning

First used by Ethan Klein from h3h3Productions
(April 6th, 2018)

by GogglesPower April 30, 2018

Good Morning and God Bless

When you shit, eat breakfast, and drink coffee on the toilet.

Steve: "We need to go where is Ethan?"
John: "He's in the can doing his daily Good Morning and God Bless give him another twenty minutes."

by smj101 April 9, 2018

Good Morning and God Bless

When you shit, drink coffee, and eat breakfast on the toilet.

Hila: "Ethan, I need the bathroom. What are you doing in there?"
Ethan: "Good morning and god bless."

by Defining shift April 15, 2018

Good Morning and God Bless

When you drink coffee, and eat breakfast while shitting on the toilet.

Mom: Are you okay in there Johnny? I hear a lot of slurping and plopping.

Johnny: Shut the fuck up and stop interrupting my good morning and god bless you niggamous bigamous

by UrbanYourMom April 7, 2018