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new best friend

also see new favorite person / new favourite person

term of acceptance coming after someone has praised the works or acts of the author or speaker.

Great Idea! I'll get to work on it right away!

You, sir, are my new favourite peson.

by Gumba Gumba April 10, 2004

5👍 2👎

Your Best Friend

Emo band from Kalamazoo Michigan

Your best friend makes you feel special

by Unvill September 25, 2004

50👍 61👎

gay best friends

girls who are super close. Most likely cuddle at sleepovers, let’s not forget they have a secret crush on eachother. On for sure looks gay asf and the other is straight passing.

we’re gay best friends. But i DONT have a crush on her, well maybe but shh.

by swagquinn April 9, 2021

7👍 7👎

Girl Best Friend

A girl bestfriend someone who never gets enough of you. Someone who is always down to link. Someone who’s always down to do whatever with you whether it’s getting your in problems or not. Someone who you can go to and talk to. Someone who you can cuddle with and have good cute nights with at the house. Watch Netflix, play games, rant......Etc. Someone who gets you and understands you. Someone who know when your not okay and when yo ask when your okay. Someone you can give with try new things with. Someone who’s special to you and just cheers you up when your around them and talk to them. No awkward shit don’t be shy or weird. Someone who you text 24/7 or as much as you can. Someone you can match with be sill with and act like your self around. Someone who’s not dry had the best conversations with you. Someone who deserves you and treats you right. Someone who will perfect your name if it’s spoken bad about. Someone who doesn’t act different in front of other people. Someone who isn’t afraid to show you off.

Y’all date? No that’s my girl best friend

by XxjquanxX March 13, 2020

Guy Best friend

A guy best friend is Someone you always talk to and FaceTime all the time. He is someone who you tell everything to and tell him something as soon as it happens. Even if something happens you will Find your way back to each other and be besties again. A guy best friend is someone you can never stay mad at and will gets over being mad at him in like 5minutes.

Sean is Katies guy best friend.

by Badbitchhhhhhh April 5, 2020

Perfect Best Friend


Person 1 “what would you say is like the perfect best friend

Person 2 “obviously you haven’t met Devin

by GlobalDictionary January 20, 2021

best friend law

If this law is called between two people that have agreed they are best friends then the person that calls the law is in a family related, relationship related, love related, school-related, or social related situation. After this law has been called the the opposite person of the one that called the law must help the caller until he/she says the name "Tim McGraw".

I called the best friend law whenever I broke up with my girlfriend.

by George strait and Jones May 31, 2019