When you stick a Chipotle Burrito up someones ass, adding the secret Ecoli ingredient Chipotle stopped offering.
Gay Man Asks: "Anyone want to get Chipolte burritos? I'll can make it a Chicoli Burrito for you. (wink-wink)"
When and your partner wrap yourselves in a blanket/towel and proceed to have sexual intercourse.
Can we go to the beach and burrito fuck?
I always cum so hard when we burrito fuck!
To swaddle oneself in an enveloping way with an article of comfort whilst laying on the floor.
I want to go burrito on the floor right now.
The crotch of a Female or a male. Pink taco 🌮
Hey bro did that woman really say to kiss her burrito patch??
When a penis turns a shade of violet from bruising. Usually as a result of a girl biting down or a girls penatrated hole be too tight or fit.
Hattie bit down so hard she gave me a purple burrito
Elizabeth's pussy was so tight my dick was smushed and I got a purple burrito
When a girl diarrheas in ur mouth causing you to throw up inside her sphincter
Dude j.c gave me a good old fortnite burrito last night
a burrito that you heat up in a 1130 WATTAGE microwave and leave in the bathroom for 3 hours waiting for your daughter to eat.
mom: who ate my bathroom burrito??
me: oh. i did.