(Typically sarcastic) In video games where the camera shows the players fingers to reveal what they were pressing during the battle.
Gamer 1: Bro check out this skill cam
Gamer 2: You we’re literally just mashing
One of the finest individuals you know. Shes outgoing, fun, and loud. Shes got a body like no other, she is extremely pretty. She's also a great friend and is easy to talk to. She probably has a lot of male friends. Boys go crazy over her, but she is most likely loyal to the one she loves.
Cam Cold Heart is one bad bitch.
A Charles Cam is a guy who is an absolute god of skokka. Charles Cam rules all Skokkas big and small.
“Hey Charlie Chucky Cam, wanna play 18 today?” “Nah mate not today, I have back to back Skokkas”
a blend of rub and sniffs insenses that all in all smell like god... invented by cam, assistant gangleader to Du Boise. When members of the Du Boise gang get angry, we give them a dose of cam swag which calms them down
"i will pop a cap in your head!"
" just take a dose of cam swag and itll allbe okay..."
To record your butt a full 24 hours and upload it to youtube.
some rlly tall dude that no one likes. he has trash hit register and gets carried by omasu every time he plays bed wars or sky wars. his old keyboard had a broken spacebar and 3 key for quite some time until he spent money on a new one. all together he's a great bed defender and can sometimes win
cam clarke slipped in bbq sauce off the edge spilled by hitregister
cam clarke was glazed in bbq sauce by hitregister
red's bed was bed #137 destroyed by cam clarke
A guy normally with a very huge horsecock, can usually use his brat as a 3rd leg to fall on to an extra peg like a stool
Wow that Cam Jones really has a tripod brat, it must drag on defenders faces when he hurdles them