Eva is a really great person although she has some insecurities. I you know someone named Eva, tell her you love her.
Person 1:Do you know Eva?
Person 2:Oh yeah I always tell her that I love her and she's perfect
Person 1:Why?
Person 2:Because she is insecure
Person 1:Oh i'll go tell her that now!
silly and stupid but can be responsible, very good style and is so beautiful it’s blinding but sometimes has pimples. she loves reading and is very good at the arts (music, painting). all the older guys fall for her while she is wanting someone her age.
18 yr old guy: hey who’s that?
16 yr old guy: Eva, do you like her or smth?
18: ye she’s so pretty and funny
16: your too old for her but i’m not help me get her
Like in Bible she is curios and you never know what is she going to do. All she want is to be your sin. But under this rebel is sensitive person who wants nothing more than love. Or in some cases want to now what is it.
Like everybody she is devil and angel dont try to hurt her becose she will act like angel(cry about it and forgive you) or like devil(hurt you even more that you hurt her )
If she is your girl you are lucky. She will toke you to the paradise but after that
without her you will feel like in hell.
"Who is that?"
"That is Eva. She is complicated "
Eva is an person that is genuinely smelly,others like to explain eva as slow due to there long process of understanding certain things.
"Look at that smelly eva!" #smellyeva
Definition noun: A person who loves to draw
- Loves artistic things
- Loves Cheese
- Eats Cheese
- Runs a Cheese factory
- Knows Jim
- Procrastinates
Name of an emo girl
"Eva knows every country's flag"
A girl with a good style but nobody wants to get to know her.
Girl 1: Did you see what Eva was Warri by today.
Girl 2: Yeah it looked old so pretty.