A "Republican Kamikaze" is a person that thinks Humans have (ZERO) impact on the Earth, and that even if Humans did damage something; God would wave his magic hands and fix our mistakes. So people with this mindset have no limitations on doing things that may have a Negative impact on Everyone/Everything else (Over-Breeding, Over-Consuming, Over-Polluting, Wars, Segregation, Religious-Fanatics, Ect). The term "Kamikaze" is taken from the Kamikaze Japanese Fighter-Pilots that would purposely crash their plans into American/Allied Navel vessels during World War II. The Pilots would do this in the hopes that their actions would create massive Death & Destruction to enemy forces; even though the Pilots would also die in the process. The term "Republican" is used, because the core of Republican ideals is based on being Conservative (AKA Ignorant), and being Conservative literally means "Opposed To Change Or Innovation). This Ignorance combined with their warped Religious views; creates an attitude wherein a person doesn't see a potential (FUTURE) consequence, from their (CURRENT) shortsighted actions. But technically not all Republican's have this way of viewing the world;. So a Republican Kamikaze is more of a Stereotype term that can be applied to (ANYONE) with this way of thinking.
(MAN 1) My Wife And I Are Thinking About Having A Child. (MAN 2) Really? That's good. Is this your first child? (MAN 1) No, I have 10 kids already. (MAN 2) What? If You Already Have 10 Kids, Then Why Do You Want More? (MAN 1) Well, I Have Always Wanted 20 Kids. (MAN 2) Why Though? The World Doesn't Even Have Enough Resources For The Population That Already Exists Right Now. So Every Additional Child You Have Puts Your Other Children's futures in jeopardy. (MAN 1) Yeah Right! God Says In the Bible To Keep Creating More Humans; So He Will Always Take Care Of Us. (MAN 2) Dude; What If The Bible Is Wrong? The Universe Is Giant And We May Have Been Forgotten About A Lot Time Ago. We May Be The Kids Left Alone In The Candy Store; With No Parents To Come Rescue Us If We Eat Too Much Candy. (MAN 1) Your Crazy! Humans Don't Have That Much Of An Impact! And If We Need More Resources; We Can Just Take Them From Another County! (MAN 2) No, You Are The Crazy One! Your A Republican Kamikaze Who's Ignorant Views Could Cause Everything On Earth To Die! (MAN 1) Well I Have The Right To Do What I Want, And You Can't Stop Me! People Have Something Called "Rights"; As Long As They Aren't Gay, Female, Ethnic, Poor, Non-Religious Or Anything Else That Is different. (MAN 2) Were Doomed......
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An uncharacteristically thick, rigid and poised neck of a white American male, semi-choked by the shirt and tie around it. His attire and associated demeanor clearly mark a proud Republican. A certain stiffness undoubtedly implied.
1) Check out Repbulican Neck in the last row!
2) Dude, that guy's got the worst case of Republican Neck I've ever seen.
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A member of the American Republican Party who acts like the Nazis of Germany during the 1930s and 1940s. A person who seeks to overthrow our democracy here at home and replace it with a dicatorship similar to the one that Adolf Hitler installed in Germany many years ago.
George W. Bush is a perfect example of a Republican Nazi
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A group of "pure" predominately white teenagers commonly found in mid-west American who say they are planning for political careers only to pawn off cash from their rich parents for booze, drugs, and many sexual partners. Much like modern Congress.
Jan used to have morals, now she in the a Young Republicans.
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A person who shares the same beliefs that the original republicans had (Like that all men are equal, the government should stay out of our private lives, The rich should pay their fair share, business monopolies have no place in America. etc. etc.) Sometimes called Lincoln Lovers and lightly spoofed in an episode of American dad
The very opposite of what most people think of when they hear the word Republicans.
So in short, Real republicans are pretty much modern Democrats
Sally: "So what political party are you?"
Dave: "I'm a Real Republican."
Sally: "Oh God, you're one of -those- people, let me guess, you're rich, extremely ignorant, and hate everyone who has less money than you?"
Dave: "Actually I give 20% of my income to local charities, I volunteer at animal and homeless shelters in my spare time, and on weekends I help walk women into Planned Parenthood if there are violent-looking protesters around. So who's the ignorant one now, bitch?"
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A Pay-For University or College, run by charlatan investors which are usually non-accredited and issue worthless classes for worthless degrees not recognized by Accredited Universities and Colleges. A Republican Scam to get Federal Student Loan monies at the expense of poor people seeking a better life and employment
Phoenix University is a Republican School.
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The next republican presidential candidate.
Sarah Palin or Newt Gringrich?
Republicans for Voldemort!
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