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Stephen Curry

Stephen Curry- The greatest shooter of all time, NOT one OF BUT THE GREATEST SHOOTER OF all TIME.

did you see the small 6 foot 3 guard, Stephen Curry who just greened the life out of the hoop from 1 foot behind the volleyball line!

by the random 305867 April 4, 2022

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stephen choi

A weird orchestra loving Asian who loves to make naughty jokes. He is in all the smart kid classes, but is really dumb on the logical side. He tries to flirt with girls way out of his league, with no success. Nobody is his friend, but he still thinks that he has a bunch of friends and that he is cool

Girl: Who is that weird Asian kid?
Boy: Ugh, that's Stephen Choi, nobody likes him.

by StephenChoiIsDumb March 12, 2017

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Stephen Michie

a deaf retarded emo kid with no friends

Guy:oh fuck off Stephen Michie

by Merkush Leh Kush January 30, 2018

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Stephen Harper

Stephen Harper is the name assigned to the current Prime Minister, although it is only used by people that respect him. Decent Canadian folk call him Harpo or other names with Nazi origins. He used to be part of the Reform Party (even though he was born in Toronto) and is currently the leader of their Canada-wide subsidiary, the Conservative Party. People flirted with this evil and dangerous party in the 2006 and 2008, and Harpo used this time to start picking apart his worst enemy, the Canadian social safety net. In 2011, he committed an electoral fraud even greater than that of George W. Bush in 2000. Now, Harpo is the unquestionable and fearless Supreme Ruler of Canada, with 167 true blue (and green) Reformacon MPs doing as he says.

In case you actually wanted an unbiased definition...

Stephen Harper is a Toronto native that somehow turned into an angry Westerner. In 1993, he was elected as a backbench Reform MP and created the slogan "the West wants in". He left the Hill in 1997 to become head of the National Citizens' Coalition. In 2002 he headed the Canadian Alliance and merged it with the failing Progressive Conservative Party into the modern Conservative Party. He won elections in 2006, 2008, and 2011, winning a majority government in the latter.

Using lies, schemes, cons (no pun intended), deceptions, evasion, libel, slander, and tall tales, Stephen Harper has fearlessly led Canada through our worst years since the Mulroney days. RIP democracy 1867-1984, 1993-2006.

by 084536530569569 May 13, 2011

75πŸ‘ 242πŸ‘Ž

Stephen Harper

Leader of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition in Canada's House of Commons. Member of the Privy Council. Economist. Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada.

Believes in equality for all Canadians. Believes that Canada deserves an accountable government.

Demand Better! Vote Conservative!

by pitz August 26, 2004

191πŸ‘ 738πŸ‘Ž

Stephen King

A fuck stick from the great state of Georgia who shares the name of the greatest writer ever! He is skilled in sending sexual texts to other peoples wifes while at the same time bad mouthing his own wife to anyone who will listen.

Hey baby whatcha doin' up so late? Are you on facebook chat with that asshole Stephen King again? That cucksucking bastard needs his ass whooped in a bad way.

by Anti-Asshole November 7, 2010

34πŸ‘ 112πŸ‘Ž

Stephen Amell

Stephen Amell is a very attractive Canadian who plays in the arrow. When he takes his shirt off everyone snaps a photo. Stephen Amell is the kind of person you want as your children’s father or as your best friend. He and Emily Bett Rickards should get together.

1: is that Stephen Amell?!?
1: omg he is so hot!
2:him and Emily Bett Rickards would be such a good couple!

by Wacky One August 28, 2018

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