When people treat animals like people. They believe in the principle that animals belong caged inside apartments and homes when in fact this is no different than taking animals from their natural habitat and cage them no different than a zoo. This is in fact animal cruelty and the biggest enabler of animal trade. Disney has unintentionally taught this idea by creating movies in which animals speak fluently, plot plans, and heroically save everyone, and everything, including pray they in the real world eat or kill. A good example of this is Beauty and the Beast, in where a princess fucks around with a big hairy, muscular animal (that turns into human later...). Subliminally teaching it's okay to have sex with animals, ideally gorilla-like.
Melissa is so pretty, why is she on dating apps? She has the Disney syndrome, fairy tale priorities over men or starting a real family.
A brilliant idea that you come up with that you later find out that someone else has already thought of.
Coined by 710 KIRO AM radio host Luke Burbank on the show "Too Beautiful To Live."
1.Coming up with a word or phrase that you think is really funny and original such as dudety. To describe male nudity in a film. Then finding out later that you just have Sharedbrain Syndrome.
2.I had this great idea the other day but i guess it was just sharedbrain syndrome.
The Reyes (KING) Syndrome is a mental disorder in which the person with this mental disorder cannot determine the difference between constructive criticism and insults. People with this syndrome may also be obstinate and brash. Some examples of this may be that they are unable to take advice or even listen to people in some circumstances. When confronted with someone with Reyes Syndrome, please be patient with them as they do not recognize if you can be trusted or not.
"God he just wont take any advice i try to give him. Why is that?"
"Be patient with him, he has THE REYES SYNDROME."
Only Fucking Chubby Ugly Broads Syndrome.
Man, what the hell is wrong with Ted. He had a hot broad in his bed didn't fuck her. I swear he has OFCUB syndrome.
Feelings of affection and appreciation felt toward Scotch whiskey (though applicable to all whiskeys) resulting from a long period of drinking it and hating it.
While I used to think that Laphroaig tasted like I was drinking an industrial fire, I now love it and appreciate its notes due to Scotcholm Syndrome.
Thanks to Scotcholm Syndrome, I enjoy sipping Wild Turkey neat.
A syndrome which one keeps people away from ones-self while keeping mountain dew in business.
I am alone and wearing a blue tshirt. thanks frosty syndrome.
When you've become so overwhelmingly powerful that you lose all interest in competing. Frequently used in competitive gaming.
Named after Saitama from One Punch Man who got bored finishing every fight after just one punch.
Serral has dominated in StarCraft 2 for so long, he must be suffering from Saitama syndrome.