What Winston Churchill was trying to utter in a speech of his.
Winston Churchill: iwbnfouevcmsiehwvudbqvGovernment (This is a resolve of his majesty's government)
noun (n): A government with extensive welfare programs to help those in need, akin to a Social Democracy, this type of government will try to help a nation it's implemented in during a period of economical problems/collapse. Normally, these governments are social democracies, although fascist groups and/or dictatorial groups can promise to function like a coat government during their rule.
etymology: A coat government works like a coat, a coat can keep you warm in winter, and a coat government (the coat) can help a country (keep it warm) during economic instability/issues (the winter).
During the Great Depression, the people wanted a coat government to help them with the depression, they saw hope in FDR as the leader of a potential coat government for the US, and some found technocracy, dictatorships, and the fascist dictatorships of Europe as potential coat governments if they would've been implemented back home.
A movement that seeks to promote the formation of any number of governments within a government that would take care of peoples needs such as education,derence, medical care etc.
In the eyes of the host government it would not be considered ligit.
There are many drug dealers in the movement who wish to set up drug cartels as Quasi governments because it is better to have people to suport them and that is one way to do it.
Support the Quasi government movement.
A movement that seeks to have a government run legal brothels in every major city.
Support the government brothel movement.
Another name for COVID-19, popular among Republicans
"Mom tested positive for the government flu yesterday."
Unofficial task done in the workplace. Common abbreviation: G-job. Origin: during WWII, some sensitive tasks were given directly to a worker, and his supervisor might not be authorized to know exactly what it was. Thus the response when the supervisor questions what appears to be personal work done on company time: "it's government work."
Hey Tim, you're not scheduled to be running the lathe today, what are you working on? Just a little "government job".
Government taxis come in many forms, but most often they have some local common characteristics.
The larger variants include a separate traveling section for the customers.
Differing from other taxis the government pays for your trip. The pick up is available everywhere, but unfortunately they only stop in one place, a government provided accommodation service. The government taxi usually does not require a specific call, just break a showcase and wait.
On the trip you are usually accompanied by two people dressed in blue, to provide safety. They also usually assist you and walk you to your accommodation, even preparing the required paperwork.
Rian drank bit too much yesterday, so someone got him the Government Taxi.