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Tree of woe

Wrestling maneuver made popular by Kevin Sullivan that involves a wrestler suspending an opponent upside down on a turnbuckle with the opponents back being up against it. To do this the opponents legs are then are then hooked under the top ropes leaving the opponent facing the attacking wrestler upside down. The attacking wrestler will then run at the opponent with a knee or baseball slide. Tree of woe is also a reference to the 1982 movie conan the barbarian.

Oh no Sullivan is on the rampage again he has got his opponent tied up in the tree of woe.

by Kongo Kong July 1, 2018

12๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

tree sap

The sweat that men get on their taints.

"Dude,after working out I got some serious tree sap.

by matt3296 June 11, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

tree fity

hey man can i borrow tree fity

no you cant borrow tree fity go get a job ya lazy loch ness monster

i gave him a dollar

you shouldnt have given him anything woman now he expects somethin

whats tree fity

tree dollar an fity cent

by Nasty Nate May 12, 2004

79๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dollar Tree

The Dollar Tree is a rare tree found in

* Bill Gates' backyard
* The White House
* Kentucky
* Sims 2

It will grow you FREE money. On occasion, it will grow crappy merchendise such as plastic food. The seeds will be found in certain parts of Ireland. How do you think leprichauns get so many pots of gold? Yeah... Dollar Trees.

The Dollar Tree grows only in the warm climate of Kentucky or special patches which have been discovered by special people like Bill Gates. It is required to be watered five times a week and must be feed with a mixture of ground credit cards and crumbled checks. Mix it in with ground diamond powder. Wash, rince, repeat. After about a month, the tree will be fully grown. When harvested, the money you make will be $1,000,000. After a few years, you will be as rich as Bill Gates and possibly even have 99.9999999999999% of all the money in the world! Bad seasons will replace all of the money with crappy toys and stuff. There is a legend of a company who likes to steal the stuff and sell it in retail stores all over the USA! But there has been no evidence of this. and did you know... that dollar trees are incredibly well known in us

Fun Facts

* This is where money gets the green color
* Special edition Dollar Trees will give you gold!
* Slightly less special trees will give you silver.
* the doller tree is related to cotton, and jeans.

โ€œAnd they say money doesn't grow on trees...โ€

~ Oscar Wilde on The Dollar Tree

by kodiac1 July 4, 2006

66๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tree Farmer

A cycling term: Most commonly used in the mountain biking sector of cycling. Tree Farmer is used to describe a certain group of cyclists. This group includes individuals that talk like they are gods of cycling, dress like they are participating in a championship race, exaggerates distances traveled or stunts performed, and do not have any cycling skills whatsoever. A common maneuver of a tree farmer is to stop in the middle of an uphill trail to fix a broken part; in actuality there is nothing wrong with the bike but they needed to make up an excuse why their fat ass couldnโ€™t make it up the small hill. Tree Farmers are often identified by the quality of gear used. The bikes are usually brands like Magna, Mongoose, or any others sold at Meijers, Target, and Wal-Mart. These bikes seem to weigh over 50lbs, made of steel, and still have the reflectors and kickstand on them. The bikes make a distinctive โ€œeeeeee eeerrrrrโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆpingโ€ noise as the tree farmer grinds the shit out of the cheap-ass parts on the bike. Tree Farmers also have a reputation to talk about โ€œtearing the shit upโ€ on a planned ride, but usually come up with some retarded excuse why they canโ€™t go (โ€œMan, my dog ate my bikeโ€).

"Wow Man! Did you see me hit the jump?"
"Yeah, you almost left the ground! Fucking Tree Farmer"

by Nad April 23, 2004

16๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

christmas tree

Or when you want to hurry up and get a multiple choice test over with and you don't care about the grade. Same as abacadaba

"How did you do on the test"
"I just chrismas tree'd it"

by ArtSeaOne February 12, 2005

497๐Ÿ‘ 244๐Ÿ‘Ž

Blow Trees

to smoke ganja bud cheeba whatever you want to call it

" Hey dude i got some fine Calli bud"
"tight man are you tryin to blow trees after work"

by Dylan (Die-lon) August 1, 2006

253๐Ÿ‘ 120๐Ÿ‘Ž