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Tight Pussy

Is used as a way to describe someone's Pussy

Damn, i fucked avery last night and she had a Tight pussy

by UrMumGayYouStupidFaggot March 11, 2019

70πŸ‘ 102πŸ‘Ž

Tight Lip

when you have no upper lip , all you see is teeth/ and or gums.

wow ryan.. thats quite the tight lip you have there.

by tightliplover August 31, 2009

8πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Tight as Toast

An especially close, friendly, or harmonious relationship. Similar to "two peas in a pod."

I can't believe we're going to different colleges in the fall, dawg. We been tight as toast since grade school!

by mildmannrdreprtr March 11, 2010

6πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Tight cunt

when someone wont pay for anything without asking for the money back and is as tight as you like. also known as a hudson

dude: wow that dude is such a tight cunt
dude 2: totally, he wont even buy me a beaver shake and im totally parched

by misstoryman February 16, 2009

41πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž

tight as hell

'Tight' is used in the context of popular music (rock, jazz, pop, etc) to describe a solid 'groove', i.e., a song that has a good 'feel' and makes one want to dance. Can also refer to a band that has solid timing.

"Dude, did you hear that Steely Dan song, 'Do It Again'? It's tight as hell!"

by Rikki Number November 25, 2009

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Tight pudding

When you are going for easy anal and she gets so scared she tenses up and shits herself

I am mentally scarred I was going to surprise Cindy with anal but instead I got tight pudding

by Mr Feelgood February 19, 2016

dogshit tight

So fucking tight that it don’t make no fucking sense

Hey you fucking worms make sure you get that collar clamp dogshit tight or you’re fired maggits

by Hard Knox life December 16, 2020