Base 4 is just sex. Base 4.5 is also sex but with a little more interest. BDSM, Role play, Face Sitting, 69, e.c.t
Man, Ashley suggested we go to base 4.5 last night. I have been waiting for this for the whole 6 months we have been dating!
1. A term used to describe the positions of aircraft approaching final approach courses for parallel runways from opposite sides of the final approach courses. For example, an aircraft approaching the final for runway 27R from the NORTH and an aircraft approaching the final for runway 27L from the south would be on opposing bases. Base legs refer to the portion of the pattern prior to turning onto final. 2. The name of a podcast about air traffic hosted by AG and RH.
1. I was flying into Greensboro and the awesome air traffic controller had me aimed directly at the aircraft to the parallel runway; I am glad they know how to apply the separation rules for opposing bases so we didn't get too close!
2. I was listening to "Opposing Bases" yesterday and really enjoyed the show!
A facility that consists of military-related buildings, ships, or airplanes that is strictly limited to military personal.
The tourist was so drunk he tried to enter the military base, truly perceiving himself as a member of the military.
Taking you, the one male in all of this, and 20 females. You should all be high school students trying to lose your virginity. After school go to the stairwell and line up, then make it to second base with all of the in less then ten minutes. Go home on the bus, wait till the weekend, and invite all twenty women over to your house after your parents have left on a trip. Get at least seven leather whips (everyone should have memorized "Fifty Shades of Grey" previously to the weekend). When the women arrive, turn on a playlist of Ke$ha's greatest hits and fill a small swimming pool full of vodka (in your living room, of course). Invite the women into the pool to sanitize them, and then have them drink the entire amount of vodka. Throw the whips away because it would be some creepy shit if you actually used them. Finally, while the music plays, proceed to fourth base with all women and be sure to last at least 48 hours or at least until your parents return and are able to state, to the world record keepers, that you have had sex for the longest amount of time in history. Buy the new record book when you are done, a copy for each of the twenty women and you, present the book at school on Monday, becoming one of the cool kids, and pray to God you don't become a baby daddy after that weekend.
Dude, I just got to 94th base!
Wow, what Ke$ha songs did you listen to?
When you’re being yourself, not caring what others think, but are causing people around you to feel ashamed.
That poem you posted in discord was based cringe, Anon…
Calling yourself “based” is “based cringe”.
This guy is really pouring his heart out to this e-girl… talk about based cringe.
When two bros are stationed at separate military bases, but are attempting to get stationed together.
Dude, when we base-up we'll get into all sorts of shit together.
I'm telling you, we're gonna rip it up as a wingman duo.
Cervical sex. Side effects include: severe pain and bleeding, 80% chance of ruining baby carrying potential, and a light feeling of death. Most likely a good idea to proceed immediately to the hospital after. Note it is an absolute prerequisite to attempt sex with the Fallopian tube - the 12th and penultimate base - superseded only by wound sex, such as skull fucking.
After 3 hours of using the osmotic cervical dilator, I penetrated directly into her womb, reaching the legendary 11th base.