An idiom I invented based on the phrasal verb "bottle up" which means to hide emotions or feelings inside.
Breaking the bottle basically means you're letting those emotions or feelings loose, accidentally or not.
Also the idiom equivalent of "venting" to someone.
I'm sorry for breaking the bottle randomly out of nowhere, I just couldn't take it anymore.
A partially full water bottle that is used to ash or dump the roach of a joint into. Good for smoking on the go.
Real stoners ash in a roach bottle.
in reference to Lean, using a baby bottle is a way to measure how much your pour up.
sebastian: Yo did you bring the baby bottle?
andrew: yea but i poured up a line already
To be in a situation that is contained within yourself, but can’t reach the wave to float outward to relequish grief and conqueror your destiny.
My entire existence is limited to stipulations of bottled ship . I can’t ever act on my true feelings because of barrierors in my reality itself.
Opening a bottle of alcoholic beverage using your vagina
I caught my wife bottle capping my beer.
A colloquialism used in the Upper Midwest for ice fishing. Ice fishing mainly involves putting a line into a hole in the ice and then drinking beer, playing cards, and watching sports. Empty beer bottles are dropped in the hole and filled with water to sink to the bottom of the lake. There are usually more bottles sunk than fish caught, thus you're in an ice house "sinking bottles".
Bryce and I spent about 5 hours sinking bottles and didn't catch a single fish. We did get a nice beer blanket on though!
Start drinking more 🍸alcohol or drink more often.
The covid 19 pandemic apparently made some us moms hit the bottle, at least according to one new study.