Someone who is a loser, hates americans (for a reason) and doesn't have lips
Robin: dood, jack was really acting like British "people" last night, idk if he summoned a demon or what, he lost his lips and started talking about brexit a lot, the worst part about it is he's lived in Mexico his whole life!
generic "people" name: dood r u high-
jack: ˙∆∫∂˜µ˚ ¬åµ˜∆˚˜≈∆˚˜∆˚˜…∆˚ƒ∆˚∫˜©ƒ
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People who can't even speak their own language correctly nor can they learn how to take care of their teeth.
Person A:"God I hate British people."
Person B:"Same. They can't even pronounces Tuesday correctly they say chewsday instead."
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Before 15 February 1971, the British pound was divided this way:
12d (pence) = 1s (shilling)
20s = one pound.
"penny" is the singular of "pence", as today. There were 240 pennies in a pound.
Why 'd'? One penny (1d) was formally called a 'denarius' after the Roman coin. This term was never used in popular language.
Sums below one pound (and sometimes over) were written s/d, such as 12/6 (said: twelve and six) or 5/- (said: five shillings).
There were a whole slew of interesting coins, including:
1/4d = farthing (from Anglo-Saxon, 'a fourth')
1/2d = ha'penny (half a penny)
3d = thruppence (a fourth of a shilling)
6d = sixpence (half a shilling)
2s = florin ("two bob bit"). A tenth of a pound.
2/6 = half crown ("two and six"). An eighth of a pound.
At the time of conversion, one shilling equaled 5p and one florin (two shillings) equaled 10p. A shilling in 1970 had approximately the value of 84p or $1.25 today.
The old pounds, shillings, pence system was a remnant of the early Middle Ages and Charlemagne! Continental Europe was all decimal coinage by the end of the 19th century. Tradition-bound Britain soldiered on until the beginning of the 70s.
Shopkeeper, 1965: The Help! album costs thirty-two and six.
American in London, 1955: the British pound is so confusing! Better just put the coins on my palm and have the shopkeeper take the right amount. Hope I don't get swindled.
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A person (usually white) of British origin, who has the potential of acting like a complete and utter arsehole
My boyfreiend is a typical "British arsehole"
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Respecting democracy against those that would throw it all away for cheaper roaming charges. I mean, whatever have old people ever done for us apart from sacrificing their lives for freedom?
"Those damn old people, BEHAVING BRITISH still protecting democracy, I mean isn't MY vote worth more than theirs?
69👍 162👎
The worst 'cunts' that have too much Racism, vugarity, and have no life. :)
they act like British People because they are stupid inconsiderate douchebags.
91👍 222👎
Pretty much the same as gangster--badass
just with scraggely teeth poor athletic ability and british accents
also known as imitation gang-banger
Henry was a complete british gangbanger complete with the teeth and poor coordination
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