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Bump on a log

Someone who is lazy, or lazier than hell. They just sit around, not doing anything important...

Examples of these lazy old assholes:

Most Politicians (Of fucking course)
B-movie writers (BET ON IT)
B-movie animators (*Stiffly turns around*)
The creators of little cars (The ripoff of Pixar's movie Cars)
The KKK (Too lazy to find the actual problems and blame it on diversity)
Fundamentalists (Find "answers" in a book rather than actually trying to find it, which is actually more trouble than it's worth)
Nazis (See KKK, except with a different kind of diversity)
Westboro Baptist Church (These guys blame everything on God's wrath at homosexuals...even the KKK thinks they're nutjobs)
And of course, the Average Man (Don't deny it, we're all fucking lazy)

And he just sat there...what a bump on a log.

by A Terrible Driver August 15, 2009

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Booty bump

The next best thing to slamming

I was unable to slam this ice so instead I had to do a booty bump

by TeenaT December 8, 2018

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nitty bumps

small breasts on a woman...but I suppose they could be on a man

Yo, girl...get away from me with them nitty bumps!
When he runs, his nitty bumps jiggle!

by Salanne January 12, 2006

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Ginny bumping

When two girls rub their genilals together.

We went to a party, and two girls were in the corner ginny bumping

by nick pedosa August 15, 2006

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Ken Bump

Referring to the male genitalia as a Ken doll's smooth bump.

Malina: "Whaaaaat? Is he wearing a speedo?"

Irene: "Yep. He's showing off his Ken Bump in all it's glory."

by IreneIsNotMyName September 16, 2010

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peter bump

To snort a small convenient amount of cocaine off the tip of a man's genetalia.

During the party, one of Joe's dads sneaked a guest into the pool house for a quick Peter Bump

by Pisspunk68 September 17, 2007

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bumping birds

when two young at heart folks feel the need for some sexual healing.

I think mom and dad bumped birds last night.

by shawna donkey July 28, 2003

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