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He a little obsessed with his looks wants to be hot and sexy wishes he could have sexy with a hundred girls before he dies he wants to be blown by every girl. If you wanted to get Finn a presENT BANG HIM!!!!! he eats cumcumbers while he watches tv

Finn is way too sexual for his age or maybe not .... he is 12 years old hehe

by Handle52eatingpoo November 14, 2020


Finn the kind of friendly guy you would meet in a bar, he's very sexy ;) I approve of him.
This is official and written by Finn

I'm so loneley please help me.

Finn is so nice he's the type you would find in a bar.

by HelperZar February 28, 2019


The sexiest most hot 🥵 guy u will ever meet!!! He is super smart and has a super cute smile. Finn is the kind of person who makes you look forward to the next day, and I almost forgot, he is SUPER HUMBLE but also very confident. Finn has the body that all the other guys want. A Finn has a super ripped six pack, huge biceps 💪 and the most handsome face, and don’t worry, he doesn’t skip leg day either! If u have a Finn in your life don’t leave him because he is the best guy your ever going to meet!!!


by HappyFunKid February 10, 2022


Coolest person on Earth

Yo I’m as cool as Finn

by Johnny is not my name May 28, 2022


The most homophobic, racist and hateful person you‘ll ever meet. He may also be short and blonde. These atributes double the homobic racist and hateful factor of finn.

Person A: im gay

Finn: fuck you!

by thenutrequiem69 June 5, 2023


Finn’s are the best they are the sweetest people ever and they are so so so pretty. Their smile can light up the darkest room on the world and I swear they have the best laugh in the world if you’re having a bad day go up to a Finn and make them laugh I promise you that you will instantly become happier. If you meet a Finn keep them in your life FOREVER. 😇

Random girl : “Omg that’s Finn he is so pretty
Another girl : “Back off Finn’s mine 😒”

by What? Finn?? May 26, 2022


the SEXIEST man alive. he has washboard abs and only dates girls 5’2 and under.

“Finn is SO SEXY
I know right?? I want to have his children

by pink lemonade hoarder xoxo October 18, 2019