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columbine mode

An individual, or individuals, loosing their shit and killing without discretion.

While playing multiplayer FTP games:

"Can we get some teamwork here, or is everyone in columbine mode?!"

by masstack June 3, 2005

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dad mode

1. A state of intense grief characterized by a ridiculously violent reaction to a son's death. First used in conjunction with Captain Artemis' violent response to the death of his son Astinos in the film 300. Also known as 300 dad mode.

2. The act of killing a bunch of Covenant at close range in a Halo: Reach firefight. Often involves the shotgun.

1. My favorite part in 300 is when the guy goes dad mode and then kills that one Persian with his forearm.

2. I went dad mode on the regular elites and got Buck Wild but then they sent the fucking whites and I got owned.

by Deion from Hedrick April 30, 2012

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Ass Mode

A term used on Craig Ferguson's "The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson" on CBS during the twitter and emails segment

Ass Mode

by CraigyFerg July 17, 2010

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pleasure mode

the vibration setting on a cell phone

My phone went of in class and i left it on pleasure mode for a while

by jon martin March 30, 2004

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Ape mode

When a mother effing homie goes ape shit

Riley was going ape mode on the play ground

by Little lil buscuit April 12, 2018

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incognito mode

A place where people go to watch porn.

We went incognito mode for no reason.

by PersonThatShoots February 8, 2018

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holiday mode

Holiday mode is a term given to the feeling one is in during the period of holidays. In holiday mode, one wishes not to engage in any academic or scholarly activities (e.g. analysing Shakespeare's Othello, deriving Kepler's Third Law, etc.) and only wishes to relax and have fun.

Holiday mode is infamously known in affecting students days, or even weeks before major breaks (summer break, winter break, spring break etc.) and has unfortunate effects on students.

One very common effect of holiday mode is a complete lack in ambition to complete any school work whatsoever. This in turn has detrimental effects on student grades.
Another effect of being in holiday mode is a feeling of total incomprehension. This means that a student just doesn't know what the hell is going on. From knowing what classes you have next day, to actually knowing what day it is tomorrow, you just don't know.

*Once a person is in holiday mode it is very difficult to get out.*

Piet: "dude, what classes do we have tomorrow? I am so confused and lost..."

Sipho: "sounds like you're in holiday mode bra...."

Bella: "we have an english presentation for tomorrow"
Ashley: "not doing it. couldn't be bothered. I'm in holiday mode now"

by dashingkab38 November 28, 2010

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