Source Code

red spaghetti

Name given when a woman's period blood has wet/dried on her pubic hair making it look like red spaghetti.

When I went down there... All I saw was a handful of red spaghetti !

by PlaceboZA September 3, 2015

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nick's spaghetti

such a piece of shit

Nick's spaghetti: Dude, i bet you don't even know my middle name.
Kool Kid Kris: Yeah i do, it's "piece of shit".

by GodNicksSuchAPieceOfShit March 1, 2007

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Spaghetti factory

Done with 2 persons... let's say person A and person B

A shits in B's mouth
B vomits into A's Asshole
A shits vomitty poop into B's Ass
Finally, B poops into A's mouth.

There you have it, a spaghetti factory

I heard that Jake and Jim ate at the spaghetti factory last night. Jim has a really tummy ache.

by Christofer Sneed November 6, 2004

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spaghetti test

To test a questionable concept by taking it forward to see if it passes or fails.

From the practice of throwing cooked spaghetti against a wall to see if it sticks and thus fully cooked and ready to eat.

The unpaid intern passed the spaghetti test when he satisfactory performed the job even though he was not qualified to do so.

by billthecat February 9, 2010

11πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Eddie Spaghetti

When you pick a girl up, take her to the local car park, start hooking up, but then can’t get hard.

Ethan Jack: How was big red last night?
Steve Joshua: Not good, did an Eddie Spaghetti.

Ethan Jack: Don’t worry, happens to the best of us!

by Connormacdaddy June 20, 2021

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Verb. The act of tangling Ethernet cables in such a fashion that it is reminiscent of a large bowl of angel hair pasta while speaking with a technical support representative.

Support Rep: Now, take the wire running from your computer to your router and move it to the back of the modem.

Customer: Hang on, I've spaghettied my wires.

Support Rep: ...Spagettied?

Customer: Yeah, I'm spaghetti-ing my wires.

Support Rep: ...

by Support Rep May 30, 2007

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spaghetti tacos

Words you can’t say in school or you’ll get in shit cause apparently it’s β€œinappropriate”

Ha ha spaghetti tacos!

by Spagoooooterrrr November 17, 2017

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