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Verb. The act of tangling Ethernet cables in such a fashion that it is reminiscent of a large bowl of angel hair pasta while speaking with a technical support representative.

Support Rep: Now, take the wire running from your computer to your router and move it to the back of the modem.

Customer: Hang on, I've spaghettied my wires.

Support Rep: ...Spagettied?

Customer: Yeah, I'm spaghetti-ing my wires.

Support Rep: ...

by Support Rep May 30, 2007

4👍 5👎


When you roll up all the blankets in the bed, like a fork and spaghetti, you are spaghetti-ing the blankets. Singular, noun, "Spaghetti", as in "You're such a spaghetti", someone who takes up all the blankets, leaving the other person cold and exposed.

Ugh! Thomas! You're such a spaghetti. Stop spaghetti-ing the blankets!

by Elliot.Sven.Masson May 12, 2016

3👍 2👎


to spaghetti; to twirl something like how you would twirl spaghetti

yo i'm spaghetti-ing this right now

by spaghettiing.com May 15, 2021


when you're dehydrated and bust a nut rope in your girl's pussy while shes on her period then slurp it out like a noodle of spaghetti

"i totally am into spaghetti-ing with my girl"

by BreadleyBakery January 23, 2022