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macking like wild sea lions

Part of Speech: noun
Definition: kissing and caressing, necking; sometimes a euphemism for sexual intercourse

Everyone at the party was pairing off and macking like wild sea lions in the corners.

by kerflop November 8, 2006

35👍 11👎

laugh at somebody like a tuna at a turtle

to laugh at somebody out of sheer fondness of that person

If you can laugh at somebody like a tuna at a turtle and he doesn't feel offended, you can call him your friend.

by blueeyedsoul January 24, 2012

I Like Ur Cut G

when ur friend gets a fresh cut so u get the urge to slap it while saying *i like ur cut g*

guy with new cut: Sup


by UR CUT FRESH December 10, 2020

Can we smash 1000 likes?

An unoriginal youtuber that needs revenue.

You: Good video.
Youtuber: CAN WE SMASH 1000 LIKES?
You: Nevermind.

by hecker heck September 14, 2018

It’s beginning to look a lot, like, Cringmas!

This is a song originally sang by The True Master himself. The True Master was feeling very festive, so he sung this song. Memers alike joined in and sung together.

This is the first line of the song, a spin on the classic ‘It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas’, originally sung by Johnny Mathis. The word ‘Christmas’ is altered to ‘Cringmas’ in order to attempt to inject some humour, a loved classic move from The True Master. The True Master unfortunately only sung the first line of the song, and I, myself, continued with ‘everywhere I dab’, in which The True Master laughed at and began to sing himself.

During form, where there is small amounts of chatter.
Suddenly, The True Master pipes up.
“It’s beginning to look a lot, like, Cringmas!”
Memers alike begin to laugh.

by .Mega December 19, 2019

looking like a jar of peanut butter

you looking thick

you looking like a jar of peanut butter in those jeans

by Jazgolden January 11, 2017

Arse like a pillowcase full of weasels

A posterior which is large, aesthetically grim, structurally unsound and generally fucking horrible.

"Seen the state of Carol? She's got an arse like a pillowcase full of weasels!"

by Tushington Bear November 28, 2017