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The "Hi Guy" or "Hi Guys" are individuals, often men, who initiate conversations, particularly with women on dating apps, by simply saying "Hi" or "hi." This behavior is typical among a sub-group of hetero-normative men engaged in heterosexual interactions. The "Hi Guy" often lacks self-confidence and harbors insecurities about his masculinity and self-worth. These insecurities manifest as an exaggerated sense of arrogance, creating a false self-image as a macho man, womanizer, or self-proclaimed alpha.

This false arrogance masks their deep-seated insecurity and inability to trust in their own abilities or moral worth. The "Hi Guy" projects a facade of dominance but fails to engage in meaningful conversations, revealing a high level of confidence without the foundation of genuine self-esteem.

Conversely, "hi-Guys" exhibit a high sense of self-worth but lack the confidence to accomplish tasks. Their unwillingness to reconcile this imbalance leads them to maintain an unrealistic self-image, further widening the gap between their perceived and actual abilities. This results in increasing arrogance, a superiority complex, and a tendency to take credit for others' achievements while failing to contribute meaningfully.

Oh, he's such a Hi-Guy.

by hashishi12 July 27, 2024

Daft Guy

A person who is just stupid, not in terms of how smart they are but just in terms of common sense.
Some one who just does not understand basic concepts and acts like they were born yesterday.
Daft guy is gender neutral and feel free to use it anywhere in any conversation.

"For goodness sake Peter you DAFT GUY"

by ChulzDaDaftGuy March 24, 2024

That Guy

1: The one person who does the thing no one wants them to do.
2: A douche bag, often known for correcting peoples grammar on the internet

1: Bill: "George, don't open that door!"
*opens door*
Bill :"Dammit George don't be that guy!"
2: John: "You have less followers than me"
Bob: "*fewer"
John: "Dammit bob don't be that guy"

by I'm the definition of that guy November 29, 2015

That guy

A dude who is fucking cracked at what he does. The motherfucker who is described to as for himself. He pulls an absurd amount of hoes as well.

Bro chetty fucking slays, he is that guy

by Chettyzyns123 November 18, 2022

That Guy

Someone who at that moment is being a dumbass/asshole

Jake Fejer "I gotta show you guys something, its super important"

Us " yea what is it?"

Jake " Nah nevermind"

Us" Jake is that guy"

by Swoop God December 5, 2014

That guy

The person that nobody wants to be

Wow man way to ha "that guy"

by 1_cinnamon_1 December 9, 2014

that guy

the boy that you really want to be around but you know it’s not a good idea.

I should probably stay away from that guy

by kevin6666969 December 17, 2018