When you shove a coney up a dudes ass and suck it back out to eat.
Hey can we do a coney glory hole for dinner tonight?
A booty hole that has been penetrated by the male genitalia
Hey look it’s Keaton, I heard miles gave him a hootie hole
yooo have you seen the new donut with a hole in itttt
Where men pierce their penis to allow them to pee and ejaculate.
Hey man I gotta go to the bathroom so I can do my pick hole.
butt hole eyes are eyes that look counter sunk and have large brown rings around them,Butt hole eyes are common with people that worship Satan who unsuccessfully try to demonize the spirit and power of love which leaves them exhausted
drained and they begin to take on a haggard zombie fried look which also finds it's expression with a pair of eyes that look like butt-holes
they say that the eyes are the windows to the soul and when i looked into his butt hole eyes i knew he worshipped Satan
When a chick is masturbating but for some reason can't finish herself off and she just leaves herself sore. Like blue balls, but totally different.
So I was playing with this guy online and fingering myself and he turned out to be a douchey disappointment. I tried to finish but it wasn't working, I just ended up blue holed and I did it to myself.
nickname for a hard hit or a great blow
oh i got fully crump-holed last night, im sore