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Wash your hands

A advertizing slogan that companies use

Stay safe and wash your hands with dove.

by qwertyuiopadsfgh June 6, 2020

Poppadom Hands

A goalkeeper who makes a lot of mistakes leading to goals

We’re 1-0 down again. Lee Camp has Poppadom Hands

by smjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj October 5, 2019

Hand cranked three-way

Fucking a woman’s ass or pussy with a dildo while she’s giving you head.

Hannah always wanted to have a three way but she had to settle for a hand cranked three-way from Tony.

by Dusty Rackleford June 10, 2023

Second Hand Abandonment

When your grandfather abandons your father when he’s a young age leaving him unable to do the things that dads are supposed to teach you and since he never taught your dad he can’t teach you what you’re supposed to know about being a man.

Ryan doesn’t know how to use a hammer because his dad’s dad abandoned his father leaving Ryan suffering from second hand abandonment.

by Owen66 February 23, 2022

Engineer Hands

Hands that are too soft & weak to do manual labor.

John can't open that jar; he has engineer hands!

by Slimdiggity December 22, 2023

The Barren's Hand

2 and 7 unsuited in poker.

That hand is worthy of The Barren himself!

Quite The Barren's Hand there.

by The Barren October 13, 2011

Back handed scuttle wank

When you reverse the hand when masturbating.

When I masturbate I like to turn my hand around and have a back handed scuttle wank.

by Filth monger. April 16, 2022