a kid who plays games in class along with Nathan, one time, his friend tried playing a game, but he got caught, like bro wtf.
"bro pay attention in class", "yeah he's such a Daniyal O"
Queen-side castling or long castling, a move in chess consisting of moving the king two squares toward the queen-side rook on the same rank and then moving said rook to the square the king passed over. The move cannot be performed if the player is in check, if the king or the rook in question has already moved. Queen-side castling is notated O-O-O.
1. d4 d5
2. Nc3 Nc6
3. Bf4 Bf5
4. Qd2 Qd7
5. O-O-O O-O-O
good bloke, loves a bit of cucumber with his ham and cheese to spice things up. Love is an understatement for he attraction to yellow rubber ducks. But the one downside is that he is absolutely WANK at hockey.
Copious amounts of alcohol. Lots of alcohol. Term generally used in the southern United States.
Hay babe, how about you run down to the corner store and pick up a ton o alcohol.
A person who may have hundreds of pictures of themselves on Facebook or a similar service. However, none of these pictures truly show what the person really looks like thanks to the use of camera angles, bad self-pics and other cheap visual tricks. This underhanded ploy is a favorite of the 'salad-shy' and those afflicted with 'a lovely personality.' Invented by Stephen Gude, Professor Emeritus at UCSC, USA.
"There are 150 pictures of this girl on her Myspace... NONE of which show that she is not fat or ugly. Think of the incredible effort this must have taken. How is that possible? What a horrible nerd-o-welly."
"Gina weighs 300 pounds in real life... Why does her facebook make her look like Jessica Biel. What is goddamn nerd-o-welly!"
To be copping an orgasm from some man or woman or whoever B^)
"Girl, why isn't sheila at the halloween bash?"
"Oh my word she WAS here! Talking to that one dressed as a lumberjack. They're probably off catching o now"