A school full of fake ass hoe's. They all fake. Vape strong, Bully supply teachers and most of all stand on desks and tables. 50% sports 30% academics 20% dumb shit
Did you hear about the teacher who killed a student at Saint Mark High School
A school where PDA is allowed and students give zero fucks if they ambush someone in the halls. You often find these types of students: nonexclusive couple, exclusive couple, friend that doesn't look anything like they did before summer, fake goth, fake emo, one sided lovestruck, etc.
Quakertown Community High School is full of disgusting gum sucking students who don't care if people are watching them devour each other.
Where the fucking kids are high and the grades are low. Most of the dumb boys are virgins while all the girls are dating boys outta state online. We’re all selling weed and juuls here! Welcome to LHS
I go to lawrence high school Maine
A school that tries to act tough but isn’t. Food is nasty and teachers can’t do their job. They care more about a lanyard, than the actual students. Also, they suck at American football.
what’s the worst school in Indianapolis? Perry Meridian High School
A place where skunks invade, blood is found in the halls, mommy and daddy buy their kids cars while they hardly understand the value of money. Everyone is either on something or fucking somebody. The teachers are childish, the school district is in shambles, lunch is allowed 30 mins. yet every class has been extended to the borderline 100 min. mark.
Mom: how was your day honey?
Child: Mom, it’s Lake Norman High School, it’s the same as it is everyday.
The shittiest school I've ever went to. My 7th grade English teacher seems like a somewhat pedophile. My math teacher was a bitch for no apparent reason. My Social Studies teacher was also a bitch because if you got an answer wrong, she would bitch at your ass. And finally, my 8th grade English teacher. He was so fucking lazy like holy hell. He didn't teach us shit and relied on a damn audio book for The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. He made me not want to read the book again. Now I'm homeschooled and half the students there switched schools and the rest just want to be homeschooled. The only people who don't are the ones that are the rednecks. They always eat the cafeteria food because it's free. The school is on food stamps I'm one of the only kids who had a lunchbox. Though, not all of them were rednecks. Some of them were chill as hell and there were a few hot chicks. I'm not talking about that one ugly ass thot who said she'll jerk me off if I give her the rest of my sandwich on the bus. She look like Chucky gone wrong. 2/10
Person 1: Dude I want to be homeschooled.
Person 2: Yeah man. Everyone here is a redneck here at Wet Side High School
a school in CT that’s full of racists and homophobes. that’s it.
east lyme high school sucks
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