A band kid, also known as a reddit kid, is a person whose humor consists if t-poses, deep fried memes, a severe misunderstanding of post-irony, the USSR (100% this person is non-communistic and thinks Stalin created communism), the 🅱️ meme, and etc.
Sidenote: Not all people in band are band kids, and band kids not in bad are simply referred as a reddit kid.
Nathan: Have you seen what Kyle has been posting recently?
Damian: Yeah its just shitty 2018 memes and PewDiePie quotes. What a band kid.
hair style that someone wears when they're obviously trying to show that they are in a band. usually it's messy, covering one eye, straightened and has product in it.
Tim: "Man, your hair is really messy looking. But... it looks like you put some effort into it."
Joe: "Yeah, I'm in a band. Obviously."
also, all the members of most popular scene bands have band hair.
The title of what is almost unanimously agreed to be the best episode of the Nicktoons show Spongebob Squarepants.
Squidward wants to form a band in Bikini Bottom so that he can win against his rival, Squilliam, at the "Bubble Bowl." Squidward calls together various residents of Bikini Bottom to perform, hoping to make them good at playing instruments. But through some of the funniest and most memorable shenanigans the show has to offer, the band ends up fighting, and all seems lost. But then on the day of the Bubble Bowl, the band shapes up and puts on perhaps the greatest song performance in cartoon history. Featuring the song "Sweet Victory" by Van Halen, the band is able to succeed, and Squidward is able to come out on top against his rival in the end.
Many fans consider this to be the absolute best episode of the show for its humor, memorable lines, jokes, and most of all, that kick-ass music number at the end. And it truly is amongst the show's best episodes in my opinion.
Memorable lines from "Band Geeks":
"Whoever's the owner of the white Sudan, you left your lights on."
"No Patrick, mayonnaise is not an instrument... Horse radish isn't an instrument either."
*After Squidward plays his clarinet* "Uh yes, we're here from the pet hospital, and we understand you have a dying animal on the premises."
"People talk loud when they want to act smart, right? -*Plankton* CORRECT!"
"It's the sweeeet, sweeeeet victory, yeah!"
The ones who were featured in the cha-cha slide. You know exactly what I’m talking about or else you wouldn’t be here right now.
This is something new
The Casper Slide part two
Featuring the Platinum Band
And this time
We're going to get funky
1. Somehow a description of every single word and phrase in existence.
Wow, I never knew Diorama was an amazing band. I always thought it was a miniature model representing a 3d scene.
A band that one either adores or despises, rather like the popular food spread.
Muse is definitely a Marmite band.
An LS Band is a musical group that has changed members more frequently then a model changes panties, the LS stands for "Lazy Suzanne", as a Lazy Suzanne spins around and presents you with a totally different thing all the time, like how these bands choose a different member constantly. Another way to describe an LS Band, is an RD Band (RD stands for "Revolving Door")
Lazy Suzanne Bands include:
Lynyrd Skynyrd
Guns N' Roses
and Black Sabbath
You guys would be more believable if you weren't an LS Band, pick some members and STAY WITH THEM!