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bryan is a bitch

bryan has no bitches

by ihbhjhjjh November 18, 2022


A virgin male who spends his day loitering and cleaning whilst trying to live life to the fullest, but not too extreme. Bryan can be seen as the perfect housewife who loves dogs especially corgis

1-WOw i wish i was gay
1-so i can marry bryan

by bigupsjunkman May 22, 2019


the best boyfriend anyone could possibly have. he think of you more than anything in the world and is just the best to be around. he’s a very handsome and cute boy who can make you laugh to tears. honestly he’s just the best person to be around.

person 1: omg bryan texted me

person 2: wow bryan’s the best boyfriend anyone could possibly have
person 1: yep he really is

by sksks. June 9, 2019


Bryan is a fat cheesy “no neckBottega wearing skinny Jean motherfucker. That likes to eat lamb chops, party and smoke HOOKAH.
He think he slick and likes to mis type allot. LOL

Her: hey bryan
Him: at nomad.. whatca su do pull up

by Bp33 November 23, 2021


A skinny fat dude who acts cool but he a fag with no penis

Bryan is a gook

by Andy estimated November 24, 2021


A person who doesn’t believe in anything , including dinosaurs , science and doesn’t think that women should have equal rights

Jason: I kinda don’t want Hillary to be be president

Kimberly :Ugh you’re such a bryan

by Jakkeeed October 9, 2018


A good basketball player ,that always gets hurt for no reason Like wtf.

A synonym for the word hurt is bryan.

by Gangsquadd January 25, 2017