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Blueberry muffinned

When someone, or something, bakes a whole batch of blueberry muffins just to throw them at you because you suck.

I got blueberry muffinned because, as my mother puts it, I utterly failed as a daughter :(((

by Dildo Shwagins July 7, 2021

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Variety Muffins

1. An industrial sized pack of freshly made delicious muffins bought at Costcos, often coming in a variety such as chocolate chip, blueberry, and poppy seed.

1. Extremely good; outstanding.

used to indicate approval or pleasure

ORIGIN see first definition

"I find that idea to be variety muffins."

"What do you think?"
"Variety muffins!"

by Ruby "Cuff" Slasher January 14, 2007

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Muffin Bombing

The female equivelent to TEABAGGING

A man rubs himself on someone laying down, this is what the female does, this is Muffin Bombing

by Pennick May 14, 2007

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Hesh Muffins

A skateboard group, that is made up of some of the gnarliest heshers around, they entered in The Berrics Younited Nations contest but lost to D.R.E.A.M but still are the craziest skaters out there! HESH 4LIFE

(i.e. some of the gnarliest skaters around)

Hesh Muffins are heshers for life

by SK84LIFEMOFO January 25, 2012

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Muffin Hoe

This term is used to call someone a hoe. This term is also used to confuse someone when you call them a hoe so they don't realize you insulted them.

you: ..wait, what?!

by thatbitchstolemycookies! October 8, 2009

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muffin buns

Young, round, plump ass cheeks. The shape resembles freshly baked muffins.

-Mmm, those muffin buns sure look tasty!

by Markobrad October 18, 2006

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Turd Muffin

A turd muffin is the act of being, stupid, commonly reffered to as dumb, retarded.

Dude, stop being a turd muffin.

by Alec "Baldwin" November 29, 2004

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