A family that was raised by Raulito Le Vaca and Sabrina Mosto Muchaleka.
I love chulo fam
Stan chulo fam
It means to swear everything on your mom (bird) and to let your fam (cuz) know your serious.
"On my bird fam we out here getting this paper, you dig!?!"
Sticking together through thick and thin... Helping out the Fam when its needed. Holding up the reputation to the fullest
AllStars Fam Mia. Holding it down
The person that always wears Micheal Jordan's but can't play basketball.
Jason *wears jordans* "Hey you suck I can beat you anytime you need some ankle braces"
Basketball player- "you wanna one vs one talking all that shit"
Jason "bet"
Jason gets broken. "Nah you see i'm wearing my Jordans"
Basketball player sighs "mj fams these days think they can ball out"
When Austin Dickey on an episode of the dickeydines show tried to guess what dtcfdm meant.
This sentence means absolutely nothing.
Jared : DTCFDM
Austin : Down to cuck fam date me
-1👍 3👎
Falls in love with every racist she meets.
I bet you that Celina Fam is in deep errotic love with Alejandro.
When a homie is a samber fam meaning a chill home dog
My boy is such a samber-fam rn diggity doggy