Standard universal tool used to rate the respective flaccidity or turgidness of a male's genitals in any situation worth officially documenting:
1 Completely Flaccid
2 Stirring of the Loins
3 Beginning to Lift
4 Fun, Yet Floppy
5 Nursing the Perfect Semi
6 Veins & Details Appear
7 Hot to Touch
8 Rebounds to Hit the Stomach
9 Moves of its Own Accord*
10 Permanent Erection**
*Must be able to perform one complete cock push-up.
**Only achievable through Viagra/Cocaine - requires surgical removal.
In England:
Josh: "Jesus man, does Max have a boner??"
Ross: "Aye, about a 6 on the International Boner Scale, no doubt"
Josh: "Yeah, I'd agree with that"
En France:
Jacques: "Zut alors! Max, a-t-il la trique??!"
Sébastien: "Ouais... Un six selon l'échelle internationale des érections"
Jacques: "Ben je suis d'accord..."
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Often abbreviated DBS
This scale is used to easily express how many draught beers one would have to consume in order to have sex with some unlucky woman/man.
The scale ranges from 0 (doable anytime) to 10 (because after ten draught beers - let's face it none of us are able to perform). The number indicates the amount of 500 mL 4,6%alc. (example: Tuborg Classic) one would consume precoital.
Not to be confused with the kg-scale
Person 1: - "No way I will even consider that! She's like a 12 on the kg-scale a total bodybag"
Person 2: - "So if we go out tonight, where is she on the draught beer scale?"
Person 1: - "Neva... She might be around 7 on DBS"
Person 2: - "We should really revise our choice of words when talking about my sister"
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The most accurate and full proof scale to rate women at parties or social gatherings.
The scale is broken down into 4 basic female categories face, chest , stomach, and ass. Each category has a max score of 3 points and a min of 0. There is also a chance of an intangible point such as great personality, sexy tat, or smokes trees. The intangible point has no limits, it can be anything you want in a girl that doesn't deal with the 4 already in place categories. If the girl receives a flat score of a 7 meaning no intangibles points given you have the go-ahead to lay the pipe. The 12 Point Scale really works, so give it a try and your next party.
Dwayne - Yo, im about to go snatch that pussy over there, what you think?
Travis - Ummm let me use The 12 Point Scale. Id give her face a 2, tits a 1, stomach a 2 and her ass/legs a 2 and didn't she say something about smoking us out later?
Dwayne - Ya, she's down with the trees.
Travis - Nice, so id def give her an intangible point for that. So id give her an 8/12 on the scale and a flat score of a 7. So ya you id def lay the pipe and pull a T-raw .
Dwayne - Thats what I thought, Im about to go wheel.
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The rating scale for people's looks.
It goes like this.
1- Monster can't look at them or they'll burn your eyes out.
2- Heinous, Busted- Needs plastic surgery.
3- Plain Ugly- Someone who was born ugly.
4- Below Average/Unattractive- Someone you'd never go out with.
5-Average, could be slightly unnatractive, someone you wouldn't look at twice.
6- Barely Do-able, that's if they're "endowed" in other places. If not, you most likely wouldn't. But they can look ok if they try hard.
7- Cute/Doable- someone you wouldn't be ashamed of. Definitely Date material/maybe more.
8-General Hot/Good Looking- May or may not be exotic looking or just average hot, but definitely someone you'd fuck, want to have a long term relationship with.
9-Super Smoking Hot- People you don't see in public often and someone you'd die to fuck.
10- Perfection- dosen't exist but someone can be as high as a 9.9, close to it.
The 1-10 Scale is pretty accurate.
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A rating of the attractiveness of any person male or female on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the most ogre-like troglodyte to ever walk the earth and 10 being a literal god or goddess
Guy1: Hey check out that hottie at the bar, she's a perfect 10
Guy2: You've got Beer goggles on she's more like a low 4
Guy1: Your 1-10 Scaling is off
A simple scale to measure your attraction to a woman.
1. I wouldn't and I don't see why anyone would
2. I wouldn't buy I can see why someone would
3. I would but I can see why someone wouldn't
4. I would and I can't see why anyone wouldn't
"Damn dude she's bad AF, what would you rate her on the 1-4 scale"
"Yea she's cute, I'd only give her a 3 tho"
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The problem is certain women’s increase in physical attractiveness has been disproportional to their increase in psychosis. Luckily for us, a chart exists where we can see just how out of balance the ratio between your hotness and craziness has become - knowledge that can prove to be invaluable over the course of your daily life.
The scale is a scale is with the vertical axis labeled "HOT" and the horizontal axis labeled "CRAZY."
A girl is allowed to be crazy, as long as she is equally hot.
If shes crazy she has to be hot, if shes really crazy she has to be really hot.
As long as a girl is above the “Vickie Mendoza Diagonal” she is approved for dating. Vickie Mendoza, a girl Barney Stinson from How I Met Your Mother dated, she played jump rope with that line. This diagonal is a reference to the Mendoza Line in Baseball.
If a female becomes to crazy without becoming hotter, she may drift extremely close to the Shelly Galezby Zone.
Barney: A girl is allowed to be crazy as long as she is equally hot. Thus, if she's *this* crazy, she has to be *this* hot. You want the girl to be above this line on the Hot-Crazy Scale. Also known as the 'Vickie Mendoza Diagonal'. This girl I dated. She played jump rope with that line. She'd shave her head, then lose 10 pounds. She'd stab me with a fork, then get a boob job.
Barney: I should give her a call
Devin: So what's up with you and Becca?
Adam: Well, I've been trying to hit it but she keeps drifting across the Mendoza Diagonal. She is getting extremely close to the Shelly Galezby Zone on the Hot-Crazy Scale.
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