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Pronounced: Broah

The term used to imply that a guy shares more than 25% genetic material with the hot gal with whom he hangs out. Therefore making it impossible for them to be lovers or in that case at least gross.

It follows the life-embracing philosophy that good looking women are fair game, regardless of how things seem.

Some people may assume that the term implies some kind of envy. They would be correct in their assumption.

Origin: In Scandinavia bror means brother

Person 1: - "Look at the lungs on that girl, I bet she can't see her feet!"
Person 2: - "But who's that guy?"
Person 1: - "Uhr. That's gotta be her bror"
Person 2: - "Why is she doing THAT to her bror?! That ain't right man..."

by UT+Per7 August 18, 2014

20👍 10👎


The scale rating women on how many kilos bodyweight they'd have to lose before one would consider sleeping with them.

The number indicating the amount of kilos the woman has to burn, meaning the scale ranges from 0 (totally doable) to infinite (NEVA).

Not to be confused with the Draught Beer Scale

- Dude that fat chick over there is totally eyeing you!
- She's gourgeous. A solid 9!
- Dude... On the kg-scale maybe
- I like'em chuppy

by UT+Per7 August 14, 2014

26👍 5👎


When someone has had the same booty call for a year

Bro 1: "Dude it's my bootyversary today. Wanna go for a beer?"
Bro 2: "It's been a year already?! You gotta renew your pathetic life, bro"

by UT+Per7 September 29, 2014

10👍 3👎


The buddhist counterterm to YOLO.
Short for You Don't Only Live Once.

Origin: Unknown, but qualitative research suggests an origin from some ambitious female afraid of having too much fun.

1 - "Babe, let's get busy tonight"
2 - "I wanna wait till we're married"
1 - "Come on, live a little!"
2 - "YDOLO"

by UT+Per7 August 14, 2014

29👍 5👎

the Frank Hvam-test

A test used to assess the probability of being in love with a girl purely for her sexual appearance.

The actual test is performed by jerking off. If you still think about the girl after slapping the ham you and your friends are doomed.

Named after Danish comedian Frank Hvam

- Dude 1: ”I think I might really be in love with this girl.”
- Dude 2: ”Please try using the Frank Hvam-test before doing anything crazy”

- Dude 1: ”Even right after jerking off, I still think about this girl”
- Dude 2: ”I am so sorry bro… You are truly doomed”

by UT+Per7 November 20, 2014

9👍 2👎

Draught Beer Scale

Often abbreviated DBS

This scale is used to easily express how many draught beers one would have to consume in order to have sex with some unlucky woman/man.

The scale ranges from 0 (doable anytime) to 10 (because after ten draught beers - let's face it none of us are able to perform). The number indicates the amount of 500 mL 4,6%alc. (example: Tuborg Classic) one would consume precoital.

Not to be confused with the kg-scale

Person 1: - "No way I will even consider that! She's like a 12 on the kg-scale a total bodybag"
Person 2: - "So if we go out tonight, where is she on the draught beer scale?"
Person 1: - "Neva... She might be around 7 on DBS"
Person 2: - "We should really revise our choice of words when talking about my sister"

by UT+Per7 August 14, 2014

28👍 4👎

Three digits

The art of achieving penetration of 100 - 999 women during one's lifetime no money involved.

It is generally considered a shameful, pitiful disgrace not to reach three digits before marriage. Such waste-of-man should get properly sacked at his bachelor party.

When the first bro reaches three digits it calls for celebration. Preferably throwing a big party with loads of drunk females that will help the rest of the bros on their way to reaching the three digits.

Bro 1: "Are you gonna be attending Maddi's three digit party next weekend?"

Bro 2: "Yeah, man. Wouldn't miss it for the world. I'm planing on having my own pussyversary."

Bro 1: "What do chicks even call the three digits anyways?"

Bro 2: "Chicks never reach three digits. That much I know"

by UT+Per7 September 17, 2014

25👍 8👎