The MOnoglian Steamer dates back 2500 years with origins in western Mongolia. Its is when a Mongolian girl is giving you a "rimjob" and you fart in there mouth , yup fart in there mouth and make them gag. God damn Mongolians
see your mom for details. I gave this girl a mongolian steamer she almost puked, then i laughed at her for about 3 hours
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To take a dump on the chest of your sexual partner.
No one knows the actual origin of this word. Most think it is because there is a brown stripe on the orange helmet of the Cleveland Browns. However, a lesser known cult leader arrested in 1990 became synonymous with the act when he told his wife to drain their tub and remain inside, laying down. Jeffery Lundgren, leader of the kirkland cult, then got in the tub. He squatted over her and took a dump. Upon the cult members' arrests in 1990, Southeast of Cleveland his wife reported this act to police, among other maltreatment and abuse suffered at his hands. Jeffery Lundgren was executed in 2006 for killing an entire family and a few other crimes. Some cult members including his wife are still in prison today for these crimes.
After the cults arrest, the property owner of the home where the cult stayed took possession back of his property, after receiving only 2 mos rent. Upon entering the property he found a 1ft thick pile of poop in his basement among other things that gave validity to the claims made by Lundgren's wife.
The term Cleveland Steamer was then first documented in 1995 on a website called Usenet and then used again on a Family Guy episode in 1999. It then became the most popular way to refer to crapping on someone's chest during sex. This is the true origin for the phrase.
I found out that b*t*h cheated on me so I gave her a Cleveland Steamer and left.
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When you're fucking a girl and you cum in her humidifier.
Dude my girlfriend left her humidifier tank open last night so I gave her a Reno Steamer.
A (almost always) white guy that dates asian women. They are stereotypically effeminate and go for them so they can feel manly compared to their slim physiques and thigh pussies(for obvious reasons), and/or far-rightists that reject white women on the grounds that they aren't traditional and "burn the coal" and cheat, while asian women are more submissive.
Analogous to coal burner and oil driller
1:Is that John with is Viet girlfriend?
2:Yeah, dude was cheated on by his previous girlfriend
3:What a typical rice steamer
It's a Cleveland Steamer, but you missed your target and it's now on the bed.
Amber Heard left a Dayton Steamer in the middle of the bed.
When a couple has sex doggy style in the China Village delivery car and a tweaker factory worker watches and jacks off while taking a shit in a dumpster.
I gave that waitress Jerome Steamer during her smoke break... that was her tip.
The act of defecating on your partnerโs side of the bed
My wife surprised me with an Amber Steamer when I returned from my work trip. God, I love her.