Someone who is guaranteed to make your life a living hell, however this part of hell is known as school, in a math class your sanity is drained and you want to die.
Me: “Hello Mr. *insert Math teachers name here* we are going to be late if you don’t let us out of class.
Teacher; don’t check your watch. You’re not leaving.
A crazy woman who lives in Canada. She loves to use the term "Animals are slaughtered, and killed. They put them in a gas chamber and kill them, just like Holocaust." This woman doesn't know what to do with her life, she just needs to find a hobby and shut the f*ck up. Alright animals are slaughtered, and she has the right to say something about it, but don't force people to change their religion.
Don't mention this woman. That Vegan Teacher is truly hopeless human being
A teacher who excels at not properly teaching a given subject. Their teaching abilities are so poor that they actually end up “un-teaching” the subject. It’s the reverse of your standard teacher.
Wow, he’s such a good un-teacher. I don’t understand anything anymore.
The fast walk of a teacher characterized with clicking heels on a long stretch of hallway, especially in a school setting.
The new teacher quickly developed the teacher walk as she hurried from one place to another.
A miserable old sod, usually with a beard, who corrects anybody and everybody at every opportune moment. Particularly anal about poor grammar. A geriatric teacher tries to remain relevant by wearing cartoon socks.
I’m being taught by a geriatric teacher
A bunch of dickheads getting a bunch of unconfirmed bullshit trough your head.
-Wow what a bitch!
-Dude she’s worst then my geography teacher!