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Cool Rips

Idiom meaning good fortune, good luck, or all is well. Originates from packing a bong with ice to lower the temperature, thus facilitating cooler inhalations, or "rips".

"I'm planning to pick up an O from Zack tonight."

"Cool rips, bro."

by La Di Da Di April 8, 2011

cool to hang

When you are not really interested in dating nor being close friends with someone (because you do not naturally vibe with them) , but you are willing to spend time with them because you like the attention, company and/or general experience .

"When you are not really down for someone, but you are cool to hang"

by latinxbro October 16, 2019

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Cool Deal

When one sticks both thumbs up on either side of their face, about a foot away from the ears, awkwardly smiling and saying the words, "cool deal". A lifestyle for some, many have taken it to define the highest state of quality for an action or event.

I was going to the park," Thomas said, "But I decided it would be cooler to hang out with you instead." Andrew raised both thumbs up to his face and smiled awkwardly. "Cool deal!

by ThisIsntAwkward June 20, 2011

15๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

wicked cool

There is cool, there is wicked, and then there is WICKED COOL. Best to be used when something is very 'fly' and/or 'hip' but radical seems to hippy, dope seems to east-side, and phenominal seems to intense to describe the coolness of the situation/action/object.

"Yo, hommie, your tripple backflip of the high-dive was wicked cool"
"Wear some wicked cool bling for the ching ching"
"Tonight is going to be wicked cool... are you ready to giver?"

by Ladedala September 17, 2005

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Cool Breeze

Dylan Rieder

Sunglasses on Chilling in the Corner not socializing with anyone. But looking cool as fuck.

That is Dylan Rieder a Cool Breeze.

by Moonka September 4, 2011

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Cool Mode

Noun, Used to describe someone as a narcissist asshole who thinks they are better then everyone else.

Bob is being a total douchebag. He is in cool mode right now.

by BonerJamz3 January 3, 2010

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its cool

word used as accepting an apology or saying its fine or its alright.

"yeah sorry about that"
"nah its cool man"

by vtwizard2 May 2, 2010

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