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Gentleman bringing glamour back

When a lovestruck late teen/young adult attempts to win over the heart of a woman he has lusted over for time, using popular methods seen in old Rom-Com movies.

"Did you see that thing Clarke did for Sarah?"
"I Did, he was like a Gentleman bringing glamour back."

by Roarstein January 1, 2017

A Gentleman Doesn't Kiss And Tell

An expression used by a self-conscious dude who wants his friends to think he got laid. Generally used right after a date or when asked if said guy has ever rolled in the hay.

Jimmy: "Hey man did you f*ck her last night?"
Carl: "A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell"
Jimmy: "P*ssy"

by DieZelBag July 20, 2015

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distinguished old gentleman sitting on two duffel bags

Term for "cock and balls", made popular by Murderface on Metalocalypse.

"Normally, that painted dildo would piss me off, but, lately, I've made friends with a distinguished old gentleman sitting on two duffel bags"

by Axewielder November 15, 2007

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The Gentleman Troop

Stupid idiots that click buttons to change the colors of a few pixels on a surface, they're good at gorilla tag though

The Gentleman Troop can probably go against the Watermelon Warriors, but its a high diff match.

by TGTIakona February 2, 2024

Rowdy Gentleman

A Rowdy Gentleman is a male that can make anybody comfortable in any situation. They are typically found with young women, drinking in excess, and participating in extremely adventurous activities. When the word Rowdy and Gentleman are combined and used to describe somebody, it is the highest compliment that can be used to describe a man.

Wow look, that guy just walked up to the bar, bought those girls shots, kissed one, and smacked the other two's asses, he must be a Rowdy Gentleman!

by February 17, 2016

gentleman's ambition

When one finishes a beer and immediately wants another one, because when they start drinking they find it difficult to stop. Originally coined by Handsome B. Charming on Twitter in June of 2022.

I almost let my guard down and kissed my beautiful wife before I was hit with a wave of gentleman's ambition, and left the house in search of my one true love: another beer.

by Ambitious Gentleman June 17, 2024

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gentleman's ambition

A gentleman indulging in a few more units of alcohol than what is necessarily considered healthy or socially acceptable. Also sometimes known as alcoholism

The gentleman's ambition had me so hungover I missed my trip down to the titanic

by familyfriendly.xyz June 15, 2024