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gash of waste

Basically a rearrangement of Waste gash to take the piss out of silly bitches who dont know when to keep their mouths shut.

Also gash of waste is a more posh way to insult someone.

Suzi: blah blah blah

by Overell May 14, 2008

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wasting time

If you have to, or if you are thinking about how you should or could be packing your snap, you are wasting your time.

wasting time

Andy, hey derek, how should I pack my base nug? umm I think a tri-base nug should be sufficient... hey derek, how does this look? looks good... hey derek, how does this look? uhhhhh good...

by og smoker 805 October 8, 2009

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ass waste

Another way to say or a substitute for the word shit.

What an ass waste, eh?
That guy looks like ass waste.

by Sean Cheak July 4, 2006

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waste of electrons

Something that should have never made it into ANY media A terrible movie a stinker a bomb boxoffice bomb.
A news story that is of ZERO interest to most of the world. The French Lieutenants Woman is a fine example. Most Jeremy Irons films. The English Patient Many of Ebert's critiques. An ad for tampons. Many ads in general. Infomercials Remakes of remakes chick flick

"I went with this new girl to see a flick last night, I nearly fell asleep. It was so so bad I don't even remember the name of the shit! What a waste of electrons!"

by psiscott April 9, 2006

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urban waste

When a person is stoned and they think they have invented a really good word to submit to Urban Dictionary.....but when they sober up, they think what was I thinking???

Last night I did such an Urban Waste , my friend and I worked really hard on this funny definition that made sense at the time, but in the morning it sounded so stupid!

by Cubby Cubster May 13, 2016

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Mad Waste

When something really sucks.

Ex.”This party is mad waste bro.”

by definitionerer December 14, 2017

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nearo waste

Nearo waste is the new zero waste. Zero waste is an inapplicable term because something always gets wasted. Nearo is the nearest to zero waste. It is a melding of the words near and zero obviously! Zero waste is a great concept but unless you run naked in the forest with a pack of wolves and use nothing you are not applying zero waste....actually one could even argue that wolves are wasting....okay you get the idea.

"Hey wanna come to this nearo waste party where there won't be any individually bottled drinks and all the food scraps will be composted?"

I am living a nearo waste lifestyle because I am breaking the habit of over-consumption and recycling plastic bottles over and over and I also compost food (nondairy and non-meat) waste!

by teddytbird November 5, 2011

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