Source Code

Scott Fraser

Revered as the God among boomers, who has come forth to smite all privileged as well as entitled teenage white boys. DO NOT PISS IN HIS EAR AND TELL HIM ITS RAIN.

Teenage white boy: I wish I could listen to music in classit helps me focus

Scott Fraser: No it doesnt
TWB: but it does
Fraser: NO it doesnt
TWB: :(
Fraser: dont piss in my ear and tell me its rain

by ZachAnderson29 January 14, 2020

Hardin Scott

Could possibly be considered to be the hottest male alive, sadly he’s a fictional character but the actor who plays him is a SNACK! (Hero Fiennes- tiffin) is also considered to be rude and isn’t open about having a relation ship with u unless you’re Tessa. Be carful ladies, don’t look at him for too long because you’ll fall for him

A: i Have a major crush on Hardin Scott

B: omg same!

A: he’s a snack! I’m kinda obsessed

by Swaggycowgirl May 17, 2019

scott lang

Ant man

His full name is “Scottish language”
He helps the avengers

“Who saved the universe in end game

“Oh yeah Scott Lang

by Ramen_noodlez July 29, 2021

Scott Walker

Elected Governor of Wisconsin in 2010 as part of the Corporate Jihad. In early 2011, he showed the world that he and the Tea Party are very anti-union and are out to destroy unions and all they have achieved. The money grubbing scum obviously holds power over Scott Walker. He claims to be trying to balance the state budget (after his pro-rich/pro-business tax cuts) by cutting state labor costs. The unions and their supporters filled the capitol with demonstrators, which the heartless bastard ignored.

Scott Walker is an evil union-busting bastard like Adolf Hitler and Ronald Reagan.

by Charles_U_Farley February 25, 2011

1359👍 550👎

Jj scott

Crazy pants. I love you so much Its retarded.

Holy sea monkey batman!!!! Its Jj scott

by Your little sea monkey. February 5, 2009

13👍 2👎

Lucas Scott

Lucas Scott is one of the main characters of One Tree Hill. Lucas has had multiple multible relationships with Peyton Sawyer, and Brooke Davis. Lucas' best friend is Halie James Scott. Lucas' brother is Nathan Scott. Lucas Scott is played by Chad Micheal Murray.

Did you see Lucas Scott on One Tree HIll last night?

by Eleana May 9, 2008

61👍 18👎

Scott Walker

Governor of Wisconsin who is screwing more people than the neighborhood whore by silencing the voices of tens of thousands of Wisconsin Union workers. He is not even qualified to sub in my classroom but is running our state.

Hey, why is my classroom filled with 40 kids and I have to buy them school supplies from my own pocket? Blame the UNION BUSTER Scott Walker.

by pissed off union worker February 20, 2011

746👍 299👎