Getting a blowjob from a person wearing braces.
Man Jen gives good head but be careful her iron blowjob may cut you.
In client services, a client for whom you would bend over backwards, take a financial loss, or otherwise get on your knees for the sake of maintaining professional goodwill.
A client may obtain blowjob status for various reasons, including but not limited to:
- Agency's desire to keep a reputable brand name on the client roster
- Agency's need to fend off other agencies willing to give blowjobs
They want us to expand the scope of work.
- Do we have budget for that?
No, but they're a blowjob client, so we'll eat the extra cost.
When on gives head to a stick of dynamite.
Hey Habibi, I gave an Arabic blowjob to some americans.
Masturbating in someones mouth while tip is inserted into mouth of another to increase pleasure.
She gave me a mastur blowjob, she blew me while I jacked off in her mouth it felt amazing
During the act of oral sex, the man will stuff 1 or more worms in his dick hole.
During a blowjob, the man will ejaculate, leading to pressure, resulting in the garden critters to spew into the woman's mouth along with the sperm.
The lady will either swallow, chew or if unaware of the situation spit and serverily mutilate the man.
Good example:
"Yummy, the best wriggly blowjob since I was in that Asian strip club!"
Bad example:
When you get a blowjob from someone whose lips are so chapped, it's like fucking a cactus.
Girl so dehydrated she gives Arizona blowjobs.
A shallow fellatio involving physical contact between the giver’s lips and the tip of the receiver’s penis. Aka, lip to tip action.
Wow, Jessy’s so shy she only agreed to give me a micro-blowjob last night!