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Death Hawk

A death hawk is a modification of a mohawk, it is back combed and not spiked, giving it a more 80's, ratty look. It is also wider than the usual mohawk. Death hawks are sported by goths, more specifically, members of the Death rock scene. There are also side locks, that are small sections of hair left just above the ears. Simply put, Mohawks = punk Deathhawks = goth

That was Razor Candi, she's a death rock model... and it's a Death Hawk, not a Mohawk.

by Lestatrox March 27, 2011

26๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Death Metaller

A slighter more extreme, (but perhaps not so visually) version of a 'Metalhead'. Appearance and attitude do not really differ much from that of a normal 'Metalhead'. (However there are of course exceptions). The stereo-typical extremities that I have observed are usually; a more blunt/brash attitude towards things, wear clothing promoting heavier bands, tend to be more violently inclined and a lot more temperamental and of course, primarily listen to death metal. (Though not just that style, they do listen to other styles of music, no one listens to just one genre.)

On the contrary to dick behind the genius that is the only other definition, Death Metallers are not anti-social. Quite the opposite, many of them either spending their time with friends or families, or down the pub. They also attend concerts and festivals quite regularly which entails being in contact with thousands of other people.

In short, a Death Metaller is a slightly more violent and free willed version of a Metalhead. Visually almost identical to a metalhead, (the only way to tell the difference is if your into metal.)

"Fuck pussy's and posers and arseholes. Lets fill the van up with beer guys and lets head off to Death Fest cos' we're Death Metallers!"

by -Gore_Guts- December 29, 2011

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Death Metal

A form of underground heavy metal that evolved from the '80s Thrash Metal scene, Black Metal, Classical Music, Jazz, and Progressive Rock. Oftentimes considered as "bastardized classical music," Death Metal often uses the technicality and structure of classical music and jazz, and also imitates the sounds of a symphony on highly distorted guitar work. Death Metal vocals are very famous for its intense, gutteral, low pitched, growling vocal style. This is the pinpoint of Death Metal stereotyping, since they are not singing like most popular music nowadays. Because there are an overwhelming amount of notes being played by the guitar, bass, and drums, the vocals cannot be too melodic or rhythmic, so the vocals are used as percussion-like instrument. The drum work in Death Metal is most of the time very fast and technical, combining influence from classical music, jazz, and progressive rock.

Death Metal is also separate into very different sub genres, including Old School Death Metal, Brutal Death Metal, Technical Death Metal, Slam Death Metal, Progressive Death Metal, Melodic Death Metal, Blackened Death Metal, Symphonic Death Metal, Deaththrash, Deathgrind, Crust Death, Death Doom, Funeral Doom, Ambient Death Metal, and many many more.

Death Metal in the mainstream world is often times dismissed, and considered talentless, and a less valid form of music. This is completely false. Death Metal is far more technical than the popular music hitting teenagers nowadays, and has many more musical characteristics than their music. Death Metal is never meant to be mainstream, which is a very good thing, so corporations will never destroy the genre by pissing on it for teenagers to enjoy. They have already tried with Deathcore, a genre that fuses death metal and metalcore, but that has not destroyed the death metal scene yet. In fact, it has made the brotherhood of death metal stronger than ever.

Death Metal: Death, Cannibal Corpse, Cryptopsy, Spawn of Possession, Disgorge, Guttural Secrete, Morbid Angel, Dismember, Vader, Decapitated, Behemoth, Amon Amarth, Insomnium, Aborted, Dying Fetus, Devourment, Necrophagist, Suffocation, Skinless, Deicide, Gorguts, Obituary, Atheist, Opeth, Hypocrisy, Dies Irae, Nile, Hate Eternal, Massacra, Dark Tranquility, etc.

by Trofsky June 19, 2008

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Death grip

A non-medical condition, where a male who excessively masturbates develops callouses on his penis. The penis callouses begin to numb the penis head and causes the penis to become less sensitive to touch via genitals, mouth or hand.

The only known cure of this condition is to stop masturbating as often, to let the callouses face away on the penis.

Fred: Jeff enjoys whacking it too much, that sally can not even get him to cum anymore.

Alex: He's developed DEATH GRIP

by Raphisonfire February 11, 2011

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death by committee

The slow, painful death of a project prior to completion due to its assignment to a committee. May occur due to squabbling, apathy, or a lack of individual accountability among the members.

The club's idea to make a website suffered from death by committee when all of the members assumed someone else would make it.

by Wapt February 13, 2009

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A Little Death

An idiom for orgasm; particularly the state of post orgasmic unconsciousness that some may experience

After a night out, she went home and experienced a little death.

by The Xbox Controller February 17, 2015

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Death Metal

The best genre of music ever, created by Cookie Monster in 1983.

Death Metal is not Satanic.

by Mr. Zimpy November 23, 2009

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