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Once, the punkest hairstyle on the planet, adapted and adopted from various native North Americans, including the Huron and Blood tribes. The originators of the mohawk style in punk circles were Wes Beech (of US band Plasmatics) and Rainy (of UK band Discharge). The punks went on to spike their mohawks with soap, eggwhite, glue and hairspray, as the Native Americans had with buffalo grease, before going into battle. A hairstyle which used to guarantee ridicule and abuse from braindead trendies. Since David Beckham's half-arsed style around 2000, the mohawk has become trendy and acceptable, so what's the point?

Now these trendy sheep think a mohawk's cool, I think I'll grow a comb-over instead.

by chris wheelie April 28, 2005

354๐Ÿ‘ 102๐Ÿ‘Ž


A hairstyle where the sides are shaved, leaving a 2-3" strip down the middle. Originaly worn by the Iroquois and other Native American tribes. Back then the hair was either plucked by hand or shaved with clam shells.

Mohawk hair cuts became si-nonymous with the Punk scene, other variations are the bihawk and trihawk.

Mohawk Warrior hair cut
that punk has a 10" fanned mohawk
jake from the casualties has a huge mohawk.

by Mohawk April 20, 2005

430๐Ÿ‘ 135๐Ÿ‘Ž


a hairstyle where the sides are shaved, leaving a 2-3" strip down the middle that is spiked up or fanned out. most common among street punks. other variations are the bihawk and trihawk

that punk has a 10" fanned mohawk
jake from the casualties has a huge mohawk.

by silverpike July 12, 2003

687๐Ÿ‘ 232๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) A hair-style made popular in the early eighties by the scene called "punk".
2) A hair style with shaved sides and hair standing up in the middle (fanned or "liberty spikes")
3) variation: a chelsea-hawk. the girl-form of the mohawk with bangs in front.
4) variation: bihawk: like a mohawk, only with 2 rows instead of one
5) variation: trihawk: a mohawk with a smalled row on each side.

1) that dude from the exploited has a kick-as mohawk!
2) your stupid 6" mohawk is in my way.
3) look atthe hot chick with the chelsea-hawk!
4) he had a huuuge bihawk.
5) her tri-hawk needed a trim.

by janexxx May 30, 2006

124๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž


An awesome hairstyle where the sides of the hair are shaved, leaving a strip of hair in the middle, can be a fan or liberty spikes.
normally associated with punks. punk

Woah that guy has a 2ft mohawk! bloody hell, that IS big!

by danPUNX August 25, 2006

67๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. Kickass hairstyle derived from indians. Usually a strip of hair going from your forehead and down the neck with the sides of your head shaved.

2. Magical hairstyle that instantly makes you attractive to the female eye.

1. Man I love those Mohawk indians, they've created the coolest hairstyle since hard boiled eggs.

2. I just got to the night club when some cute girl started tugging at me, now I have her number and she want's to get it on!

by Sieben January 22, 2005

279๐Ÿ‘ 184๐Ÿ‘Ž


the hottest hair cut around. mainly for punks

my dream guy is a mohawk guy!

by jo November 30, 2003

290๐Ÿ‘ 220๐Ÿ‘Ž